We did it!
Nichola Demery raised £21,653.5 from 210 supporters
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Closed 01/02/2020
Iʼve raised £21,653 to Support Cara Rose Demery who has PKS.
- Castlegregory Ireland
- Funded on Saturday, 1st February 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
The beautiful Cara Rose was born on the 12th July 2019 but unfortunately she has spent the last four weeks in a critical care unit.
Cara has been diagnosed with an etremly rare condition called Pallister-Killian Syndrome (PKS)
Children with PKS present with a wide range of issues that include: developmental delay, motor dysfunction, language problems, learning difficulties and epilepsy.
It is too early to tell how her development will progress so in order to help Cara live her best life and achieve all she can her family will need alot of support, hence setting up this just giving page.
The money raised will go towards extra physiotherapy, speech therapy, nursing care at home and equipment, allowing Cara to develop and learn in the best possible environment, achieve all her own milestones and be happy and healthy.
As family and friends we ask that you donate what you can to help Cara and her mummy & daddy. Thank you xxx
- 5 years ago
Nichola Demery
5 years agoWell this page comes to an end in the next few days. We cannot believe or thank each and everyone of you who have been so supportive and generously donated so much to help Cara. Cara is doing really well and learning new things everyday. Your money will help her over the next few years of her life to achieve all she can and for that Thank You on behalf of her mummy, daddy and all the family Xx Xx Xxx
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- 5 years ago
Nichola Demery
5 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
- 5 years ago
Nichola Demery
5 years agoCara Rose is now at home in Kerry with Andrew and Ruth and she is doing well with the support of the Jack and Jill foundation and lots of other professionals including audiologists, physiotherapists and speech and language therapists. Andrew and Ruth are completely overwhelmed and grateful for the continued support of friends and family. Lots of love Anna and Nichola xxxx
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Nichola Demery started crowdfunding
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Michelle Stack
Jan 31, 2020
Looking forward to seeing you grow, Cara x
Charlie Casey
Jan 31, 2020
Love from Charlie Casey
Jan 30, 2020
Nikki Dunne
Jan 30, 2020
Yvonne Chakraborty
Jan 30, 2020
Dear Ruth Andrew and Cara, sending love and best wishes for your family.
Aislinn Geraghty
Jan 30, 2020
Beautiful little girl. X
Eve Mc Glinchey
Jan 30, 2020
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Nichola Demery
Castlegregory Ireland
I am Cara's cousin and along with her Aunty Anna we are helping to raise funds to support the newest addition to our family.