We did it!
Rob, Tom, Ollie Adam Goldsmith raised £4,456 from 106 supporters
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Closed 05/09/2021
Iʼve raised £4,456 to help combat hunger and homelessness
- Guildford, Surrey
- Funded on Sunday, 5th September 2021
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On June 25th we (Rob and sons Tom, Ollie and Adam) are going to begin 8 days cycling 1,000 kms between the capital cities of UK and Ireland. Starting in Edinburgh we will visit Belfast, Dublin, and Cardiff before arriving in London. We are conscious that the pandemic has increased levels of hunger and homelessness across our capital cities and the whole of UK and Ireland. 1 in 5 people in the UK now live below the poverty line and use of food banks increased by 47% in the first six months of the pandemic. So we want to do our small bit and raise a minimum of £1,000 for food banks and homeless charities in each of the five capital cities across UK and Ireland....
In Edinburgh we are supporting the North East Edinburgh Food Bank
In Belfast we are supporting the South Belfast Food Bank
In Dublin we are supporting Crosscare
In Cardiff we are supporting Cardiff Food Bank
In London we are supporting Southwark Food Bank run by Pecan
We would be so grateful for any support you feel able to give. All money raised will be split equally between each of the five charities. Hopefully a minimum of £1,000 per charity!
Rob, Tom, Ollie, Adam
Updates appear here
Rob, Tom, Ollie Adam Goldsmith started crowdfunding
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Grzinic Family
Jul 12, 2021
Well done guys - great causes! James, Jenny, Max and Tilly
Jul 10, 2021
Amazing achievement and a cause worthy of all our support. Hard times come to many x
Jul 7, 2021
Well done!
Jul 7, 2021
Big ride, awesome!
Jul 7, 2021
Well done team!
Simon Marsh
Jul 5, 2021
Well done all! Fantastic achievement!
Alice Zahra
Jul 4, 2021
Amazing achievement. Excellent cause. Well done! Alice x
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