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Lara Seamer raised £6,332.5 from 535 supporters
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Closed 29/12/2017
Iʼve raised £6,332 to help for a young homeless gentleman in york
- Funded on Friday, 29th December 2017
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Can i ask for some support please?
For the past 18 months or so, we have had a lovely, kind, polite, clean and respectful young man taking shelter in a small alcove like area at the bottom of Fetter Lane, York.
EThis is not a residential building where he’s causing any obstruction, he simply shelters for the night in a quiet area so he can read empty rubbish packets and keep himself to himself.
He doesn’t ask for any money, nor is he ever drunk. He smiles at passers by and says hello when you greet him.
Im fully aware that some of the local residents, staff and myself have been trying to support him as best possible to make his life a little more comfortable.
Every morning when he wakes, he bags up any rubbish, cleans his teeth and sanitises his area with a bleach spray bottle. Tidies away his bed and folds neatly the cardboard that makes him feel safe and packs into his backpack. He then sets off for day, returning late afternoon.
This afternoon, around 13:00 I became aware that his little area of safety had been chained off with horrific spiked chains so he could no longer access the 6 foot or so area that he was using to try and keep himself safe.
I can only assume that some selfish, spoilt, arrogant insensitive person/persons have complained that his humble existence has offended their path.
Whilst you lay in your bed at night, with the safety of locked windows and doors, warm drinks at the click of a kettle, running hot water with the twist of your tap and a reassurance of your home being there every single day as you return from work, please spare a thought.
This young man relied on the safety of a small area down a street to keep him safe, warm and happy for the night. I’ve witnessed the behaviour of drunken lads and girls on weekends, stumbling up the road shouting abuse and waving money and hot food in his face, whilst he sits in silence with no retaliation. How would you honestly feel, returning to your home after a long day realising you were no longer allowed anything you treasure, any safety you need and anything to keep you warm.. as I move on to the worst part in my opinion.
This lovely, harmless gentleman had lost his place of safety but also had his sleeping bag taken away from him by the insensitive workmen who were instructed to put up the chains.
This young gentleman also suffers with a learning disability making it hard for him to read and speak- as he cant fight for himself I’m asking people to stand with me and help reinstate his right to his small concrete area of safety and advertise his plight in the hope that we can make life better for him.
I am sending this to the local council, newspapers and selfish landlords of the building.
please like, share in the hope I can start a petition to raise awareness on his behalf.
in case you’re wondering I’m 20 years old with only therefore 20 years of life experience. I can honestly say the behaviour and selfishness of people clearly double my age that have caused this suffering for such a kind gentleman is just simply inhuman and totally despicable.
Thank you for your support
The money raised was originally going to be put towards supplies- however due to such a large response through social media supplies have been dropped off and I’m currently storing multiple items for him due to me being someone he trusts and sees on a regular basis. He had previously tried out hostels and was extremely scared and anxious and couldn’t bare another night. The money raised will be going to wards housing for him and providing lessons on reading, speaking and writing. We are working with close by landlords, b&bs to try and give this man a permanent home where’s he’s safe. hostels are good and bad things, and many suffer abuse, violence and worse. He’s unable to have that kickstart in life due to many issues with his learning problems and struggling massively with social interaction. I’m meeting a counsellor tomorrow afternoon to go and meet him and discuss what his dreams and ambitions are, whether we can get him into a college, into an apprenticeship or a job.
I’m aiming to be able to give unbelievable experiences to him which are normal to us.
Please feel free to email me on larakasey@icloud.com
lets make a difference
7 years ago
Lara Seamer
7 years agoI do fully appreciate people asking the salvation army to be involved, and they are. Unfortunately he has no trust in them as they have let him down so many times before. All appropriate options are involved, unfortunately it seem's the ways in which they deal with situations doesn't work. It's clear the systems in place from these charities and organisations DON'T work. This is not me bad mouthing the charities, but simply saying the process in which they deal with things does not work. The first given option was a hostel, where he was abused.
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7 years ago
Lara Seamer
7 years agoAfter being in constant contact with our homeless gentleman he's now started to not communicate properly with me. he seem's unsure as to whether he wants help at all now. I'm trying my hardest to help him, unfortunately i hold no power to be able to set him up in accommodation. I have reached out to all charities, council and more. The local MP has been contacted again after failing to respond to my previous emails. I will not give up on our gentleman, he has been failed by every other organisation and individual and i refuse to join that group
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7 years ago
Lara Seamer
7 years agoI am now struggling to move forward, and trying to understand the delay. A young gentleman, on the cold streets of York, in minus temperatures. Im so frustrated after such a positive fast moving start, with so much support from the public and professionals. It now seems that since the press has died down over the subject the case isn't being dealt with seriously enough. Maybe York are more concerned about their reputation for Christmas markets, rich shoppers and pleasing the "important" public.
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Lyn Clough
Nov 25, 2017
Well done you xx
Kim Cordery
Nov 23, 2017
What a kind and generous thing you are doing.
Emma Sterland
Nov 20, 2017
Nov 20, 2017
well done. amazing idea :)
Nov 20, 2017
Well done Lara Hopefully this young man will have some where warm over the winter .
David Dickinson
Nov 20, 2017
Nov 20, 2017
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