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Chad Alexander raised £55,044.71 from 1982 supporters
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Closed 16/02/2020
Iʼve raised £55,044 to Get me to Houston, Texas to get treatment from the only medical team I can find that have successfully treated Renal Medullary Carcinoma.
- Funded on Sunday, 16th February 2020
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My name is Chad I’m a 30 year old self employed DJ/ educator originally from Chelsea.
On the 28th June 2019, I had blood in my urine and since then everything has changed.
On 28th August a CT scan not only showed a large tumour arising from my left kidney, but also a small tumour on my right lung and multiple ‘indeterminates’.
On 19th September, I had a six hour surgery in which a large team of surgeons (including a liver surgeon and two urology surgeons) removed the tumour along with my left kidney, spleen, the tail of my pancreas and a small part of my diaphragm. Fast forward to now (mid October) I am four weeks into my recovery following this significant surgery.
On Friday I received my official diagnosis Renal Medullary Carcinoma (RMC). Which is an aggressive and rare form of kidney cancer which appears to have a link with the sickle cell trait of which I am a carrier.
The research I have done so far has been disheartening, not only is it difficult to even find people who have had this type of cancer but finding people who are still alive is even harder still. Often this cancer is diagnosed late which further decreases survival chances, so even though my surgery at the moment appears successful we know there is still at least one tumour on my lung.
HOWEVER, there is hope! I have found someone in America (Cora Connor) who’s brother has RMC and was successfully treated and continues alive and well seven years after his diagnosis she has since sent up a foundation RMC Support. While the NHS is amazing the only two people I have found in the UK with this type of cancer have had to fundraise for treatment and unfortunately one man recently lost his battle.
This means I need to get to the MD Anderson Cancer Centre in Houston Texas. I have been in contact with them and they were very quick to reply, unfortunately for me to even get an initial appointment with them I will need to pay $25,000USD which roughly converts to £20,000. That is before any proposed treatment, flights, accommodation.
I currently live in Basingstoke with my partner Anita who is a children nurse and our two children Rome who is four and Milan who is one. As I said I’m a self employed DJ currently unable to work. Initial funds will go towards my treatment and any additional money will go towards our bills.
Any money you are able to donate will be so greatly appreciated but also please spread the word. If you know anyone who is a sickle cell trait carrier or has sickle cell disease please make them aware of Renal Medullary Carcinoma. My symptoms included blood in the urine, back/ flank pain and weight loss.
Thank you for reading.
- 5 years ago
Chad Alexander
5 years agoHey all, I’m doing well & feeling strong. I’m six rounds down & awaiting a plan from my medical team re next steps. There is a strong possibility I might have additional rounds of chemo. The aim remains that once I’m off treatment, have recovered & therefore safe to travel, I will travel to be seen by Dr Tannir’s team at the MD Anderson Centre. Strangers & friends your support continues to empower me & I really hope you all know how grateful myself & family are. This page will close tomorrow, follow my journey @bun_cancer on Instagram .
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- 5 years ago
Chad Alexander
5 years agoSo I’m over half way through my first six rounds of chemotherapy. I’m doing well and staying strong. Awaiting scan results to help decide my next steps in treatment. Hoping to get out to Houston in the next few months. Thank you all for your continued support... Follow my journey @bun_cancer on Instagram.
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- 5 years ago
Chad Alexander
5 years agoTHANK YOU! Those two words will never be enough! £50,000 IN ONE WEEK... Honestly you all are so amazing, the support financially, socially, emotionally has just been incredible. Unfortunately RMC is relentless and has made me alter my treatment options. My aim currently is to start chemotherapy as soon as possible in the UK then in a couple of months travel to Houston, Tx for my treatment to be reviewed. With your support I have no doubt I’ll #BunCancer
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Chad Alexander started crowdfunding
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Jan 31, 2020
Wishing you a the best in your recovery. Keep the faith and stay strong!
Jan 29, 2020
Jan 24, 2020
Jan 22, 2020
#buncancer ❤
Jan 21, 2020
So sorry to hear this. Hope you get better soon.
Mario Haine
Jan 21, 2020
I wish you all the best and a lot of funds from people arround te world because they just care. Regards, Mario
Tee J
Jan 16, 2020
Wishing You & the family the best of luck. Keep up the great spirits & remember to go with the plan & not with the mood.. All the best Alexander family
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