We did it!
Bude Town FC raised £1,500 from 56 supporters
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Closed 02/07/2019
Iʼve raised £1,500 to raise the funds to repair the extensive damage done to the club premises after the break in.
- Bude
- Funded on Tuesday, 2nd July 2019
Don't have time to donate right now?
The purpose of this crowdfunding page to is try and help alleviate some of the financial burden this break in has placed on us.
Early hours of Sunday morning the club got broken into. They forced their way through 2 sets of doors to get into the bar area, using a crowbar it is assumed. They damaged the alarm system, the ticket machine, the till was smashed, a safe, and two store cupboards were raided through. They took a small amount of cash we happened to have there that night and spirits.
However, this loss is minimal compared to the damage to the clubhouse. It will cost us a significant amount to repair the damage which includes 2 new sets of doors, reinforce the windows, a new alarm system, locks, till, CCTV etc.
We are, like many, are a grassroots club which runs purely on people volunteering their time to enable football to be played within Bude town. Any money we make goes straight back into the club to allow teams from u7/u8s through to adults male, female and veterans to play and train. We allow other groups and individuals to hire out and use the club which again, allows us to be a part of the community.
We want money we make or raise to be going into our teams and our facilities for ourselves and others, not to cleanup after mindless acts like this. However, this is the situation we are now facing.
We can only ask for your help, any amount is appreciated.
Thank you from everyone at Bude Town FC.
- 6 years ago
Bude Town FC
6 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
Bude Town FC started crowdfunding
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Jarv and Leigh
Mar 23, 2019
Alex Harrison
Mar 13, 2019
Mar 11, 2019
Nath Bonney
Mar 11, 2019
Mar 11, 2019
Tommy Statton
Mar 11, 2019
💙 my club
James Richardson
Mar 10, 2019
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