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Bryan Etchells raised £1,090 from 49 supporters
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Closed 04/08/2023
Iʼve raised £1,090 to help raise funds for the Neonatal Unit(NICU) at Ninewells hospital and support the amazing work this unit does for families of prem babies
- Dundee
- Funded on Friday, 4th August 2023
Don't have time to donate right now?
Our wee boy Freddie was born prematurely at 27 weeks, weighing 1lb, 4oz on March 6th 2023. He has been in the neonatal unit at Ninewells hospital since then and will be until very minimum 3 months old. As well as being so small and premature, he also has chronic lung disease which means he needs oxygen support and has been on a ventilator since birth. He also had a duct in his heart(hole), and a few infections too which can just knock him down quickly and set him back. There has been real worry, panic, confusion, lack of sleep and running on nothing but adrenaline most days. The phrase "day by day" cannot be more truer than having a child in NICU. The worst thing about it all is that he's not able to be home with us yet and leaving him at the end of the day can be really difficult, especially if he is having a bad day.
He is in the neonatal unit though, the best unit at Ninewells! Surrounded by amazing consultants, nurses and other support staff that offer us help and support if we need it. They take time to send us updates and pics on the app when we're at home, always available to chat when we call and are always so upbeat, caring, they talk us through everything and give us as much time as possible with Freddie. Our experience through all of this has been made so much more easier because of them all and I want to be able to do something for the unit, So......
I am going to run 6k, every day, until Freddie is home, in aid of the Neonatal Unit(NICU). Hopefully, we can raise a good bit of money towards this and show our appreciation for all they do.
Thank you for any donation you can give and I'm already looking forward to the day I do my last run! All donations will be handed over to the unit when completed💙
- 1 year ago
Bryan Etchells
1 year ago🌈⭐️Freddie's Run 'till im home'⭐️🌈 Better late than never!😅. Finally got back to see these guys and to hand over the donation of £1050 that was raised for this amazing unit. We hope it goes some way to helping other families in their time at the unit. They certainly helped us through it all with their genuine love and support and they feel like a 2nd family to us now. A massive thank you once again to everyone who donated!! You are all stars⭐️.
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- 1 year ago
Bryan Etchells
1 year agoHi all just to let all you lovely people who donated to this know, your donations will be handed into the NICU unit very soon! The summer holidays means we havent had the time to visit the unit yet but as soon as it is done I will post any pics and an update on it:). Thank you all once again!
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- 2 years ago
Bryan Etchells
2 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
Bryan Etchells started crowdfunding
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Callum Gerrard
Jul 10, 2023
Great running. Well done 👍
Jun 27, 2023
Well done
Jun 19, 2023
Great work!
Craigie cutz!
Jun 19, 2023
Well done Bryan! You did amazing!
Freddie's Big Fan
Jun 18, 2023
Well done Freddie!
Jun 15, 2023
Very impressive. And thanks for doing this for such a wonderful unit.
Sam Donaldson
Jun 7, 2023
My son Jeff was born 3 weeks premature, he had a really bad chest infection, the work and amazing support that was given to me I'll never forget, they truly are my heros 🥰
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