We did it!
Neil Emery raised £2,075 from 84 supporters
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Closed 17/08/2020
Iʼve raised £2,075 to be split 50/50 between The Matt Kendall Foundation and the NHS
- Harbury, Leamington Spa
- Funded on Monday, 17th August 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
While running last night and thinking about the last few weeks and how the world has suffered under the Corona Virus I thought its time to do my bit. Inspired by Captain Moores 100 laps of his garden I'm going to complete my own 100 something challenge. For the next 100 days I will on alternate days run 5K and cycle 20K giving a total of 1250K. Through wind, rain and shine and wherever I am in the UK (when life returns to normal) I will put on the running shoes and get on the bike to complete this challenge. I want to split the funds between The Matt Kendall Foundation and the NHS . MKF was set up in memory of our good friend Matt Kendall and focused on helping young people in the West Midlands. And of course we are extremely lucky in the UK to have the support of the NHS and not just during the difficult times of the Corona Virus outbreak. Not so long ago I was admitted to hospital with a stomach ulcer and the care and support I received was simply amazing. So thats the idea ! Not sure if its a big challenge but its something I can do to raise some money and spend time thinking about those I love, the crazy world we live in at times, but those amazing people who make this crazy world a safer place to live in. I'd like to think some of you will join in helping to raise funds for these very worth causes. So thats it - 100 days - 1250K - lots of love Boydi
- 4 years ago
Neil Emery
4 years agoDay 120 completed which means the challenge is finished :-) 300K run 1200K cycled 1500K in total £2K+ raised for the Matt Kendall Foundation and NHS Thank you to everyone who has donated and supported this year I'm having a couple of weeks off now to rest a very sore left knee Boydi X
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- 4 years ago
Neil Emery
4 years agoGetting closer to the £2K total after deciding to carry on while the Just Giving page is still live. Only £85 needed now with 9 days to go and I'm going to say I'm confident we can make it. Thank you to those such as George, Seany Sean, James Myers and my second Mum Kathleen Whaling for your recent generous donations - Boydi X
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- 4 years ago
Neil Emery
4 years agoSo I finished my 100 day challenge on Tuesday but during a 5K run on the Wednesday Ive decided to carry for as long as the Just Giving page is live. I would love to raise £2k which is well in reach as we are currently on £1800. I'm trying to up my effort as well and this morning I ran 10K. So 16 days to go and thank you to everyone who has supported and donated so far - Boydi X
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Neil Emery started crowdfunding
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Darren Maddick
Aug 17, 2020
Awesome work Neil! Well done!
Aug 17, 2020
Great job Neil - you’re an inspiration
Dean Larkin
Aug 12, 2020
The world needs more Neil Emery’s. love you bro.
Aug 12, 2020
Christopher channon
Aug 10, 2020
James Myers
Aug 8, 2020
Great effort old chap x
Aug 7, 2020
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Neil Emery
Harbury, Leamington Spa
Jack of all trades, master of none but dabbler in most :-)