Iʼve raised £90 to help Bootle bucks inclusion carry on making dreams come true for our players and families
- Funded on Tuesday, 24th August 2021
Don't have time to donate right now?
Here at Bootle bucks inclusion fc we offer football and social opportunities to all ages and disabilities. Our ethos is based around inclusion and a huge part of this is ensuring no one is excluded on financial grounds. As a club we fund kits, boots, days out and at times money can't buy experiences for our players and families. We can only do this through the generosity of our families and supporters. In August 2021 we will be hosting an inclusion football tournament at Bootle fc with teams from all over the UK. This is our biggest undertaking since we took 135 players, coaches and families to belfast in June 2019. We endevour to make this tournament and fun day free for all participants. So we need your help to make sure we can cover all costs incurred for day and to ensure all our players are kitted out the same. Any donation is most welcome to our not for profit voluntary organization. Many thanks. In conjunction with Fun first Football, straight from the off podcast and the lads at TEAM SEFTON.
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John Rice started crowdfunding
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May 25, 2021
John Jones
May 12, 2021
Brilliant this!
Liam Kelly
May 7, 2021
May 7, 2021
Up the Inclusion Bucks 💪🏻
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