We did it!
Jenny Miller raised £190 from 4 supporters
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Closed 25/08/2021
Iʼve raised £190 to fund a new people's opera 'Bloom Britannia'
- St Leonards on Sea, East Sussex
- Funded on Wednesday, 25th August 2021
Don't have time to donate right now?
Bloom Britannia is Barefoot Opera's new 'people's opera' – four years in the making - inspired by life in a coastal town in modern Britain, involving people from the communities of Hastings, St. Leonards-on-sea and Bexhill singing alongside professional musicians. The project is open to anyone from any background, to people of all ages, all singing abilities and levels of experience.
Barefoot Opera believes that opera – and singing - can be a fundamental, live-changing part of everyone’s lives. And so, alongside the opera is a wide-ranging and inclusive outreach project that brings the experience of singing and music-making to hundreds of local people, partner organisations, schools and charities.
For a small company, this project and the wealth of people we are reaching, is colossal.
YOUR DONATION HOWEVER SMALL ENABLES US TO SUPPORT: workshop leaders, young artists, our local venues, local free-lance administrators, and organisers.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts - and come and enjoy the show! Our full production will be during the latter half of October 2021.
You may also be interested in supporting us through our amazing Art Auction. News coming soon!
Updates appear here
Jenny Miller started crowdfunding
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kathryn and mike bieber
May 20, 2021
A fantastic project
Ian & Carole Franks
May 17, 2021
Great work
Jan Dryden
Apr 25, 2021
Good luck, great project.
David Cowan
Mar 19, 2021
Good luck with the Opera. Proud to support Opera made in Hastings ❤️
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