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stephen mitchell raised £250 from 4 supporters
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Closed 05/04/2024
Iʼve raised £250 to to help with the cost of essential repairs and maintenance work at Blairmore Village Hall - SC043493. Our 1st attempt raised £464
- Funded on Friday, 5th April 2024
Don't have time to donate right now?
Built in the middle of the 19th century as a waiting room for steamers leaving Blairmore Pier, Blairmore Hall is an attractive, Grade 2 listed building, at the heart of Blairmore Village. Unfortunately, its historic nature also brings a host of maintenance issues. Most pressing at the moment is the condition of the chimney. Blocked off without ventilation at some point in the distant past, the chimney stack is very damp and crumbling. It is also causing damp problems to the walls of the Hall, and it is something that needs to be dealt with urgently.
COVID 19 and lockdown had a catastrophic effect on the reserve funds of Blairmore Hall Trust, which looks after the building, and we are appealing for help to cover the cost of dealing with the chimney and preserving this much-loved village hall for the community to enjoy.
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stephen mitchell started crowdfunding
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Mrs Sharon Perry
Dec 9, 2023
Jason + Collette
Dec 8, 2023
Stuart McKenna
Dec 7, 2023
Colin Smail & Family
Dec 7, 2023
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