We did it!
Leanne Pero raised £6,336 from 100 supporters
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Closed 21/05/2021
Iʼve raised £6,336 to sustain the Black Women Rising Project's regular FREE services: monthly zoom support groups / counselling / magazine / podcast/ pamper kits.
- Funded on Friday, 21st May 2021
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The Black Women Rising cancer project was set up in 2017 by community champion Leanne Pero after her own battle with breast cancer at 30 years old, after realising the NHS lacked specialist support and services to black and other ethnic minority cancer patients. Many women Leanne met during her battle were either mis- diagnosed, were not being offered mental health support and generally felt excluded from communication with their consultants which echoed the many other health inequalities amongst others in the BAME community.
As well as these injustices- the unhelpful myths and taboos around cancer within the BAME community have ultimately stopped people from speaking out about their ordeals leading to lack of awareness and education amongst their communities around cancer. This lack of awareness has led to these marginalised communities believing they are excluded from getting cancer and in more seriously believing it’s not a “Black disease” which has led to higher mortality rates in some cancers and more often than not late diagnosis’s.
The Black Women Rising project provides invaluable support for BAME cancer patients and survivors- as they undergo scary cancer treatments and experience difficulty in the tricky remission stag, she also advises brands and charities around how to diversify their messaging about cancer in the BAME community.
In its small lifetime the Black Women Rising project has set up the UKs first all Black cancer portrait exhibition that has toured at London’s Southbank, Oxo tower and is due to exhibit at the Tate galley in 2021. It runs an online monthly support group, many pamper events for women of colour, has had our members featured in many cancer awareness brand campaigns such as Stella McCartney, Estée Lauder GHD and Zalando to name a few and now runs a popular weekly podcast telling the stories of their inspirational women.
New projects for 2020 include a FREE 121 phone in counselling sessions and a magazine that we hope to distribute to WOC going through cancer up and down the country.
Any donations of any size would be hugely welcomed x
- 5 years ago
Leanne Pero
5 years agoThank you so much for your support! We have increased the target to £3,000 so that we can reach even more people and send even more magazines to those who need it most. Much love xx
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- 5 years ago
Leanne Pero
5 years agoTHANKYOU SOOO Much to all those who donated to our page!! We reached our first goal of £1000 in 7 days!! this is gonna help us in ways you cant imagine. WE ARE SO THANKFUL TO YOU ALL!! We have now upped our original target as many others have reached out wanting to donate- we are excitedly working on a UK wide project thats going to help so many more women in our community- so this next goal will allow us to contribute to this new goal! Thanks in advance! It means the world to us xx
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Leanne Pero started crowdfunding
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May 14, 2021
Kanti Shah
May 1, 2021
Good luck with your very commendable work.
Lizz B
Apr 30, 2021
Carlene Bender
Apr 29, 2021
Thank you Black Women Rising UK for everything you do to support black women in the UK living with cancer.
Apr 29, 2021
Thank you for standing up for black women with breast cancer.
Morgan Fitzsimons
Apr 29, 2021
King's Cancer Patient Voice
Apr 29, 2021
Supporting your great work!
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