Iʼve raised £70 to fund two UK charities, Backup Tech, the technical entertainment charity and Friends of Old Christ Church/Churches Conservation Trust.
- Funded on Friday, 31st March 2023
Don't have time to donate right now?
Black Hole - End of Time is a large format immersive spatial light art experience. Using spectacular lasers, lighting, projections and special effects, synchronised to a striking, ear-tickling soundtrack.

The show, brainchild of lighting designer and musician, Paul Alty was designed as a standalone multimedia light and sound art experience. Paul ran a trial of different pieces in Old Christ Church and the volunteer Friends asked if Paul would do the show properly, for the church volunteers and local community. The Friends of the church offered the venue for free and so Paul opted to make the ticket price a charitable donation to support both the church and Backup Tech UK, a charity set up to provide financial and wellbeing support to technical industry professionals.

Through the various covid lockdowns, the church was unable to operate as a community and events venue and the entertainment and live events industry was completely shut down, leaving a national workforce who were mostly freelance and self employed without an income. So what better way to raise money for a technical/live events charity than with a live event.

This was in November 2021 and the show was performed 12 times in one night to over 200 spectators, raising over £600. There were immediate calls to re-run the show and so here we are. November 2022 will see the show rebooted, bigger and better and now over three nights.

This page is designed for those who wish to support the show and charities but who can't make it on the night. All donations will be split equally between the two charities - no fees or expenses are taken from the funds.

To find out more about the show, the tickets are available from Eventbrite, here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/black-hole-end-of-time-2022-tickets-331410486687

A special thank you goes out to Polly at Christie Digital - Your support and enthusiasm for this event has been mind-blowing! Thank you.
To learn more about Paul and his work, go and say hello on Instagram, @waxapul.
Thank you for visiting this page and your support and if you have a ticket for the show, see you in space!

Updates appear here
Paul Alty started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Pauline & Duncan
Nov 19, 2022
Best of luck.
Sep 14, 2022
Polly Bradley-Brock
Jul 27, 2022
Paul, its been a real pleasure to support this. I'd like my personal donation to be the first. Its going to be a wonderful event and I'm so glad you your using Christie so I get to work with you :-)
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