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100 Club Bikers raised £11,405 from 176 supporters
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Closed 15/08/2017
Iʼve raised £11,405 to help Billy Major achieve his dream to ski for Great Britain in the Olympics.
- Funded on Tuesday, 15th August 2017
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Billy has been skiing since he was a little boy, spending the winter months in France. He was lucky to be picked to ski in the Ski Etude Programme which has restricted entry each year for the top 30 young skiers in France. By 2012 he had competed in his first full season of FIS (Federation International de Ski) races and in 2013 was selected as part of TeamGB for the Winter Youth Olympics in Romania. He became the overall British Under 18 Champion in 2013. 2014 Billy again represented TeamGB in the World Junior Championships in Slovakia and he retained his title as overall U18 Champion by winning the junior Downhill, Super G, Giant Slalom and Slalom events. In 2014/15 he was selected as part of the British U21 squad and despite some injury set backs he won the British U21 Downhill and Super G titles.
Since then things have moved up a level for Billy and he is now skiing for the British Europa Cup Squad which are a specially selected elite team. He has had great success in this team and was awarded the Victor Ludorum trophy at the British Championships in Tignes for best results by any male or female skier and also became the British Men's Alpine Champion 2017.
He now has a more dedicated team around him but of course this comes at a cost. Although the team receive some funding from British Ski and Snowboarding Organisation (BSS), the shortfall that Billy has to personally contribute is £33,500 per year.
Billy is a hard working individual; he is known for being one of the first on the training slopes and last off. He is described as quietly spoken and modest but also highly competitive. Determination, commitment and luck will all play a part, and Billy does have the potential to reach the highest level. He cannot succeed without knowledgeable trainers to improve his technique and physical development, good training facilities and the right equipment.
If Billy does succeed, he will be a worthy representative for British sport.
- 8 years ago
100 Club Bikers
8 years agoWell we’ve done it! And it’s all thanks to your kind and generous donations. We’ve actually surpassed the target by 42%!!! Billy needs to raise over £33,000 per year to continue with his training, so this amount goes a long way to helping with that. So a HUGE thank you to you all. Now to the Bike Ride. We wish all the riders the best of luck on their enormous task ahead! So good luck Tanya, Katherine, Sarah, Steve, Liv, Andrew, Susanne, Warren, Jo, Ann, Mary, Tony, Mike, Ian, Debbie, Peter, Brenda and the 4 support vehicles.
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- 8 years ago
100 Club Bikers
8 years agoJust one day left to sponsor! Wow, how kind and generous you have all been in your sponsorship. We have surpassed our target which is fantastic! Now to wish all the riders the best of luck! So good luck Tanya, Katherine, Sarah, Steve, Liv, Andrew, Susanne, Warren, Jo, Ann, Mary, Tony, Mike, Ian, Debbie, Peter, Brenda and the 4 support vehicles. The ride includes 2 Cols each day for 4 days the Route des Grande Alpes and some of the Cols used this year in the Tour de France. Quite a challenge but I know everyone will give it their best shot!
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100 Club Bikers started crowdfunding
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Christine Twitchen
Aug 15, 2017
Good luck to you all....
Stuart Base
Aug 15, 2017
Good luck to Billy and the 100 club riders. Don't get to chafed warren. Stuart
Matt Mitcham
Aug 15, 2017
Good luck guys
Karen and Simon
Aug 15, 2017
Good luck Warren, We hope all goes well with your cycling challenge.LoveKaren Simon jazz and Izzy xxx
Robert Jackets
Aug 15, 2017
Good Luck Mary. Why isn't James riding with you?!
Mike Holliday-Williams
Aug 15, 2017
Good luck from the Holliday- Williams family.
Aug 15, 2017
Good luck to Steve and all the cyclists.
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100 Club Bikers
The 100 Club Bikers are a small group of intrepid cyclists that have organised a unique event to raise money to support Billy in his quest to ski for Great Britain in the Olympics. The cyclists will ride from Val Cenis, France to the Mediterranean during 26 Aug to 2 Sept.