We did it!
Mark Bonny raised £9,772 from 315 supporters
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Closed 02/09/2017
Iʼve raised £9,772 to help Benj on his cancer journey.
- Funded on Saturday, 2nd September 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
In May 2017 our friend Benj (Mark Bonny) was told he has stage 4 cancer of the kidney which has spread. The disease was discovered 'out of the blue' after an onset of symptoms occurred earlier this year. All who know Benj will tell you he is an amazing guy with an extremely strong positive outlook on life. Now he faces his biggest challenge yet, which is to beat this horrific disease, and he fully intends to win!
Benj is a loving son to his mum and father to his children.
Benj has been told that his cancer is not currently operable, nor is it the type of cancer where chemotherapy or radiotherapy treatments are an option. Whilst the care and attention he has received from the NHS has been very good and he is currently on treatment to minimise the tumour, we want to give him the best possible chance of a full recovery and we desperately want him to have the treatment that specialist clinics can provide.
We have found a private clinic, "Cancer Options", who have devised a personalised treatment plan for Benj where the goal is for the cancer to become operable. It is not yet clear whether this will be possible on the NHS and since time is of the essence, with the help of donations from you, it will give Benj the opportunity to progress with this specialist treatment.
Anything you're able to give could make the difference to his and his family's future. We urge you to donate and share this page. Don't forget to return to this page for updates!
He is determined to beat this and we are determined to hit this target to help him make it, please join us.
On behalf of our friend and his family, thank you.
Updates appear here
Mark Bonny started crowdfunding
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Amie Upton
Sep 2, 2017
All the best Benji love xxx
Kerry Rhodes
Sep 1, 2017
Thinking of u mate , we hope you get everything you need. Thanks to all who sponsored, love dean, Kerry and ava xxxxx
South tees colleagues
Aug 30, 2017
On behalf of south tees colleagues of Victoria sending you positivity strength and recovery
Caroline wright
Aug 30, 2017
From Sonia neighbour hope you get the treatment you need and well wishes for the coming months
Aug 28, 2017
Good luck!
William Oliveros
Aug 26, 2017
Well done Steve Flaherty!! 👍🏽
Ben Jenkins
Aug 23, 2017
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