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ben eaton raised £1,215 from 23 supporters
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Closed 08/03/2022
Iʼve raised £1,215 to support the work of the Zamir foundation in memory of my father's passing.
- Funded on Tuesday, 8th March 2022
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My father Ben Eaton sadly left us on the 18th of January. He spent a portion of his life in Afghanistan in the early 60s and was deeply saddened by the recent events there. In his memory we would like to collect and donate to the Zamir foundation a charity working closely on the ground with those affected.
- 3 years ago
ben eaton
3 years agodear friends - we have sent the funds to the foundation and with it funded winter shelter for a large family for the next year as well as food for 24 months - thank you again for your help in this gesture in memory of Dad. with love.
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- 3 years ago
ben eaton
3 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
ben eaton started crowdfunding
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Feb 14, 2022
Feb 14, 2022
Feb 14, 2022
Didier and Mary-Lisa Trufanow
Feb 13, 2022
In loving memory of Ben Eaton, an extraordinary human being and Christian.
John and Gillian Adams
Feb 13, 2022
May this bring some relief and blessing to people in Afghanistan in memory of Ben. With our love and prayers.
Feb 12, 2022
Feb 11, 2022
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