We did it!
Bournemouth Emerging Arts Fringe raised £340 from 28 supporters
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Closed 11/07/2021
Iʼve raised £340 to Support Noyce Gardens DIY
- Funded on Sunday, 11th July 2021
Don't have time to donate right now?
Design a Deck & Support Noyce Gardens DIY
The BCP area hosts some great places for kids to hang out, meet their friends and escape potentially difficult home lives. However, there are some areas which are lacking these safe spaces.
Our new friends Noyce Gardens DIY are working super hard to revive an abandoned skatepark and create a safe hang out space, to benefit the community of Townsend and the surrounding areas. The ‘Design a Deck’ competition shows our support, and offers you the chance to do the same and hopefully raise a little bit of cash.
We chatted to the amazing Noyce Garden’s team to find out more
What inspired you to start the project?
There had always been rumours of a buried skatepark around the Townsend estate, it wasn’t until we took the time to look that we began to see an outline. We pretty much started digging straight away! Within the estate and surrounding areas there aren’t many places for the local kids to hang out, which is why the revival of this skatepark could be great for the local community.
What is the history behind the skatepark?
It was built in the 1970's and then filled in with mud sometimes in the 1990's. After that, dirt jumps were built by local BMXers. Ever since then it has been pretty much abandoned by the council and left to completely grow over. We want it to be a community run DIY skatepark built by locals and paid for by fundraising. We really hope it will change the area for the better, giving the local kids somewhere to skate and hang out.
How to enter, firstly donate whatever you can, then...
• Download our skateboard template HERE
• Submit your design to gotbeaf@gmail.com
If you don't fancy putting your designs out there you can just make a donation to show your support for our guys building the skatepark and working with the Townsend community. All funds go towards the costs of building the skatepark.
Deadline: 14th June 2021
Updates appear here
Bournemouth Emerging Arts Fringe started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Jun 14, 2021
Jen vincent
Jun 14, 2021
Elisa Di-Rosa
Jun 13, 2021
Lauren Marina
Jun 13, 2021
Rachel Ola
Jun 11, 2021
Will Olney
Jun 10, 2021
Jun 10, 2021
Great initiative! Keep it going and I cant wait to see the results.
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Crowdfunding is a new type of fundraising where you can raise funds for your own personal cause, even if you're not a registered charity.
The page owner is responsible for the distribution of funds raised.
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