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Emily Dawson raised £2,838 from 97 supporters
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Closed 03/11/2018
Iʼve raised £2,838 to Bea whom has sufferd a stroke
- Funded on Saturday, 3rd November 2018
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Last week Bea had a serious stroke, she was taken from the QE Margate to intensive care in Kings, London, in a critical condition. She is now out of Intensive care & in high dependency unit at Kings.
Rose & Emily set up this page to help raise funds for Bea & her husband so that he can be with her, this entaisl travel & accommodation in London fo him as they live in Margate. We are so grateful to those kind enough to help Bea & Kriz at this tiem of need?
With love Rose & Emily
- 7 years ago
Emily Dawson
7 years agoThank you to you all for your kind & generous donations for Bea & Kriz in this challenging time for them. Bea has been moved from Kings in London to Canterbury Hospital, where I met with them both yesterday. Bea is in in high spirits talking loads & looking forward to returning to Margate where she can rest & recover. The Drs illuded that may be sooner rather than later. Thank you all Much Love Emily & Rose xox
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- 7 years ago
Emily Dawson
7 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
- 7 years ago
Emily Dawson
7 years agoWe have doubled our target for Bea & Kriz. Thank you to all of your kindness you rock! Emily & Rose xox
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Emily Dawson started crowdfunding
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Aug 4, 2018
Amie Evans
Jul 29, 2018
So many thoughts and intentions set for bea and her husband. She is an incredibly special person xx
Jul 27, 2018
Jul 26, 2018
Get better soon!
Alannah Dawson
Jul 26, 2018
Moni Ca
Jul 21, 2018
Get better sweet heart 💜 Love you.
Sandor Toth G
Jul 20, 2018
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