We did it!
Bam Pickard raised £1,126.5 from 49 supporters
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Closed 19/07/2018
Iʼve raised £1,126 to Fund Bam's top surgery!!
- Funded on Thursday, 19th July 2018
Don't have time to donate right now?
Hello wonderful people!!!
My name is Bam and I'm an human of trans experience.
Im here to ask a favour....quite a big favour in fact but I'm not going to give you a traditional X factor sob story or go on about how my body makes me feel. What i am going to do is ask for your kindness and generosity. How ever big or small.
I need to raise around £6600 in order to feel more comfortable in my own skin. As the wait list on the NHS is very long and stressful i would like to make this part of my journey a little easier by going private. This mean instead of a minimum 18months wait (after I've been referred) it will take about 6ish.
Break down *wedding DJ foghorn noise*
£6000 for surgery - This is base line depending on how long I'm in surgery. This price also goes up every 3 months from consultation.
£100 consultation fee
£300 Travel (This is because i will need to go to and from london around 4 times for consultations, pre surgery appointment, surgery itself and post appointment. This also means i could sit comfortably in a booked seat on transport after surgery rather than getting bumped around and squished by the general public)
£400 fund raising process free - for the site to keep afloat they have to have a 5% fee
If by any stoke of luck there is a cancellation through the NHS and i get rushed in to surgery before i have saved and raised enough money to go private, all of the money donated ( apart from what i use for travel etc fro things around surgery) will go to other humans like me in need. This may be to aid with surgery cost, travel expense around appointments or bundles with things like binders and packers to help with dysphoria while waiting for surgery.
If you have any questions please feel free to ask. And for anyone who donates and/or shares.... I truly thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are making a difference in this humans life and i cant explain what that means. You are awesome.....Keep being yourself.
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Bam Pickard started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Jun 28, 2018
Hey, hope you manage to reach your goal really soon! xxxx
Katie Loouise
Jun 2, 2018
Good look cuz xx
Marta Owczarek
May 22, 2018
Good luck!
Katie K
May 4, 2018
Sorry it couldn't be more to help out such a wonderful and soulful person who deserves to feel themselves. Hope you get your goal amount and feel all of the benefits from it!
Megan Day
Apr 27, 2018
I hope this tiddly amount helps, and you raise your full amount. I don't really know you, but I have respect for you from afar. Take care xx
Miranda Ashford-Hodges
Apr 4, 2018
Never seen you look happier, or hotter for that matterYou amaze me and it’s quite something to watch you grow everyday into the person you need to be. Much love x
Rin Blackwell
Apr 4, 2018
Good luck, and be blessed!!
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