We did it!
Clair Foster raised £5,095.23 from 109 supporters
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Closed 31/12/2018
Iʼve raised £5,095 to help us create our little miracle
- Kidderminster, United Kingdom
- Funded on Monday, 31st December 2018
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Hello! We are Clair & Matt Foster and we would like to start off by thanking you from the bottom of hearts for taking the time to read our story.
We understand not everyone will agree with this method of fundraising, and we hope that through our transparency everyone including those who don’t agree will be kind and understanding.
I will start off by telling you a bit about Matt and me, we have been together for 4 years now and got married in January of last year, Matt is a full time chef and i work as a carer, I am 36 years old and Matt is now 37.
At the age of 21 i was diagnosed with a uterine septum which once operated on i thought i would be able to carry a child of my own one day, unfortunately until our first round of IVF we hadn't discovered my ovarian reserve was very low and quality of the few eggs was poor.
Having failed our first IVF attempt we waited for 6 months and decided to try again, during this round we managed to get just 2 eggs to reach blastocyst but unfortunately they were just too weak to stick having used embryo glue too resulting in a 2nd failed attempt.
We were advised after our 2nd attempt that if we were to ever try a 3rd round of IVF to look into using donor eggs as with my amh levels very low ( ovarian reserve) and my eggs just not strong enough.
Having done more research into this the medical advances are far more superior and costs so much lower abroad. we have since then explored every known option available to us including adoption and fostering but we both cant commit to something like that knowing that deep down we still haven't been able to close the door on IVF and wanting to have a family of our own.
The total amount we will need to save is £8000, this is a lot of money for people like us and while we will continue to work incredibly hard and save as much money as we can, we would dearly love for this chance to come while we are still young.
Creation of life is nothing short of a miracle and we are ready for ours :) Once again from the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for reading this, donating, praying, and supporting us on our hopes of a perfect ending to our journey, and we hope that we can hold in our arms and hearts forever. xx
- 6 years ago
Clair Foster
6 years agoI am really quite emotional today, I don’t think it has sunk in yet but In less than a year we have managed to raise £5000 towards our £8000 needed for donor egg ivf. To all the people who have been there for us over the last year, thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts we are truly grateful.
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Dec 6, 2018
Raffle monies x😘
Kayleigh Addison
Dec 6, 2018
Julie Read
Dec 5, 2018
20 quid of raffle tickets please Claire sorry haven’t been I. Touch not being feeling great at all xxx
Michaela Turner
Dec 5, 2018
Julie potter
Dec 4, 2018
Hi Claire money for raffle tickets x
Carol Pemberton
Dec 2, 2018
You’re getting there hon. X
Gemma B
Nov 30, 2018
Love you xx
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