We did it!
Austin Brennand raised £3,183.1 from 121 supporters
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Closed 31/10/2019
Iʼve raised £3,183 to buy two defibrillators for the community of Ansdell.
- Ansdell, Lancashire
- Funded on Thursday, 31st October 2019
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Hello my name is Austin Brennand and I am five years old. I live in a small village called Ansdell in Lancashire. That's me in the picture when I was two and a half years old with the first defibrillator I donated to Park View in Lytham.
Earlier this year I was told it was used to help save the life of a two year old girl and so I told my Mummy and Daddy that I'd like to raise money to buy another one, for all the people who live in Ansdell.
When I was a baby I was born with a rare heart condition called 'Tetralogy of Fallots'. It meant there were four things wrong with my heart. When I was three months old I had open heart surgery. It took a village to fix my heart, what with all the doctors, nurses, blood donors, anaesthetists, specialists, volunteers... you get the idea! Now I'd like to help keep the hearts of my village beating too.
I'm going to be a busy boy this summer with lots of ideas for fundraising. On Sunday 7th July I'm cycling 10k (without stabilisers) along the Fylde Coast!!!
Pennies before the big day, and cheering me along the route, will give me a huge boost and help raise money to buy a defibrillator. Even better if you join me for the ride!
Thank you, Austin :O)
Note: It's anticipated the defibrillator will be placed on the main high street in Ansdell on Woodlands Rd in the heart of the village close to the shops. Exact location tbc. The defibrillator will be accessible 24/7 and will be registered with the local ambulance service who will provide the access code in an emergency.
- 5 years ago
Austin Brennand
5 years agoA huge THANK YOU to local electrician Danny Barr who very kindly installed Ansdell’s first community defib, which is located at the front of Ansdell Institute on Woodlands Road!
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- 5 years ago
Austin Brennand
5 years agoThe defibrillators and cabinets have arrived!
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- 6 years ago
Austin Brennand
6 years agoCalling all electricians on the Fylde coast - We need YOUR help! Austin has done an incredible job of raising enough money to buy 3 defibrillators and cabinets for the Ansdell community and now we need an electrician, or two or three, to install them when they arrive early September. We'd really appreciate it if you could spread the word amongst friends and family and email any recommendations to: kateybrennand@hotmail.co.uk Almost there... love 'The Brennands' x
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Austin Brennand started crowdfunding
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Dave Yates
Sep 11, 2019
I am a very old friend of your Grandfather and I was lucky enough to be present when he dropped the heavy end of a sledge hammer on his head, which may explain a lot!! Congratulations!!
Frank Wyles & Co
Aug 19, 2019
Well done Austin from Frank, Tim and the team at Frank Wyles & Co
Linda Campbell
Jul 28, 2019
Very well done, it was a lovely, kind idea to raise money for a defibrillator.Love from Linda
Mike Clark
Jul 25, 2019
Austin Brennand - Rock n Roll Superstar! xxx
Jul 25, 2019
Amazing job so far! Can you make enough for a third one?Well done x
Jul 21, 2019
Well done Austin!From Ruby H
Inspired Energy
Jul 19, 2019
Well done Austin!
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