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Closed 07/11/2022
Iʼve raised £0 to August Calendar 2022
- Closed on Monday, 7th November 2022
Don't have time to donate right now?
August 2022 calendar can be a great tool to make plans in the last month of summer. In summer, we all tend to forget our plans due to the numerous distractions. However, you can prevent it with our August 2022 calendar templates. From now on, you can stick to your plans or make better ones. A printable calendar template can be a great tool to make plans in the last month of summer. In summer, we all tend to forget our plans due to the numerous distractions. However, you can prevent it with our August 2022 calendar templates. From now on, you can stick to your plans or make better ones.
Contact Information:
Address: 2950 Pierpont Blvd, Ventura, CA 93001
Phone: (805) 658-4726
Hashtag: #august2022calendar #august #calendaraugust #freeprintable #2022augustcalendar
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August Senne started crowdfunding
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