Iʼve raised £20 to Raise funds for Mark Holder who suffered severe bullying in the Army due to having dyslexia.
- Funded on Saturday, 30th November 2019
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On the news recently a story has emerged of how a private soldier Mark Holder was subjected to 3 years of bullying and humiliation under the care of the MOD. This resulted in Mark nearly committing suicide and walking away from a good salary, a pension, housing and having to rebuild his life. The MOD admitted he was subjected to bullying but compensated him with just £5000. With two children to support, I want to try and double this for him.
- 6 years ago
Paul D
6 years agoThank you all for your support so far in helping Mark, he will again be on BBC Essex radio BBC lookeast over the next few days to raise awareness of bullying in the armed forces and to seek action is taken against those he suffered at the hands of for 3 years.
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Paul D started crowdfunding
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Jan 11, 2019
Jan 11, 2019
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