We did it!
Ariana Smith raised £655 from 18 supporters
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Closed 16/10/2018
Iʼve raised £655 to help fund for me to attend the scouts jamboree traveling to North America for a trip of a lifetime!
- Hurstbourne Tarrant, United Kingdom
- Funded on Tuesday, 16th October 2018
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My name is Ariana Smith, i'm 13 years old, I joined Cubs/Scouts 5 years ago and have enjoyed going ever since. I have had an amazing opportunity arise with Scouts to attend their World Scout Jamboree taking place in North America 2019 and have been chosen as one of the Scouts from my district to go, I was over the moon!
Since it is such a great experience and my one and only chance to travel across the world to meet scouts from all different cultures and try so many new activities, this comes with having to fund my entire trip. In total I need to raise £3,780 to fulfil this dream by 2019!
So far I have asked for money from my family for Birthday's and Christmas' to put towards my trip, I have asked all of my local neighbours if there are any jobs that I can do around the house or garden to earn some money, I am planning to climb Mount Snowden in Wales next year. I am now working weekends to help fund the trip and we have already organised a successful table top sale, disco and a charity Race Night, my mum along with some team mates from work is also doing a tough mudder challenge in August this year.
If you are feeling generous enough to donate money of any amount I would be so appreciative and would like to thank anyone that does, every little helps towards raising my total.
Thank you for visiting my Just Giving page and taking the time to read this, please check back for any future updates - Ariana Smith (Andover District Scouts)
What is a World Scout Jamboree?
The World Scout Jamboree is above all an educational event that brings together the world’s young people to promote peace and mutual understanding and to develop leadership and life skills. The 24th World Scout Jamboree will feature the hallmarks of past world jamboree programs, such as the Global Development Village, the World Scout Centre, a special sustainability initiative, and the socialisation elements that allow participants to make lifelong friends from around the world. Unlike any other youth event, the World Scout Jamboree invites you to surround yourself in diverse global cultures by joining your new Scouting friends at a single destination for 12 unforgettable days. The jamboree experience extends beyond your home—and beyond the boundaries of our countries—to create a global adventure that will last a lifetime!
- 7 years ago
Ariana Smith
7 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
- 7 years ago
Ariana Smith
7 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
- 7 years ago
Ariana Smith
7 years agoWe have an upcoming 80's theme Disco in Hurstbourne Tarrant organised by me and other scout members also raising money for the Scout Jamboree. It will be £10 per entry ticket. Also we managed to raise a profit of over £400 at the Table Top Sale that we put on in December which is amazing! Thank you to everyone that booked a table to sell their items and everyone who came to buy and browse too!
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Ariana Smith started crowdfunding
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Ty Lucas
Sep 3, 2018
Team Mudder Tuckers :))Good luck with your trip Ariana x
Bryn Hodgen
Aug 17, 2018
Hope you reach your target Ariana. xGood luck to your mum and er...my wife doing the 5 mile Tough Mudder on Sunday. Lots of love from Bryn, Fraser and Joseph. x
Marc Swaffer
Aug 17, 2018
Lorlei Breeze
Aug 16, 2018
Go Team!
Rachel Morgan
Aug 11, 2018
Well done Ariana, have a great time on your trip of a lifetime. Good luck to you, Karen and Sarah in the muddy run, you've got this girls xxx
Mark Philpott
Aug 9, 2018
Well done Ariana. Have an amazing time!
Uncle Lee
Jul 29, 2018
Hi Ariana,You are going to have an amazing adventure. Good luck with the fund raising. Good luck Karen. You can do it, you go girl!!!!! all our love, Lee, Em and Mae. xxxxxxxxxxx
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Ariana Smith
Hurstbourne Tarrant, United Kingdom
Visit this website for more info on the Scouts 24th Jamboree in North America 2019: https://www.2019wsj.org/