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Sajid Suleman raised £33,357 from 602 supporters
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Closed 05/03/2021
Iʼve raised £33,357 to support Uyghur causes in the memory of Aqeel Hasan Noorali
- London, UK
- Funded on Friday, 5th March 2021
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We are raising funds in the memory of Aqeel Hasan Noorali for the Uyghur Tribunal which is investigating China's treatment of Uyghur Muslims.
Aqeel's sudden death on 2nd November 2020 has left all who knew and loved him devastated. He leaves behind his parents Ali and Parin, loving wife, Ruba, and beautiful toddler Zainab.
Aqeel passed away at the young age of 33 but even in this short time, he achieved so much. He was a successful barrister, described by colleagues as "a dedicated, fearless and committed advocate".
He touched countless lives as is testament by how dearly he is missed by all who knew him, friends, colleagues, family and even opponents. His gentle generosity and grace paired perfectly with his strength of character.
As a family man, and a devout Muslim, Aqeel was an active and pivotal member of his local mosque community. His faith was also instrumental in his passion to help others and strive against injustice. We hope to honour his memory by continuing his endeavours to help others.
One cause that particularly troubled Aqeel was the plight of the Uyghur Muslims at the hands of the Chinese government. Aqeel described the treatment of Uyghurs as the most horrific human suffering in the world right now. He donated to the Uyghur Tribunal, and he encouraged family and friends to support the Tribunal.
The Uyghur Tribunal is an Independent People's Tribunal set up to provide an objective judgment on whether China is committing crimes against humanity and/or genocide against the Uyghurs and other Muslims. The Tribunal is chaired by Sir Geoffrey Nice QC. Further details can be found on their website: uyghurtribunal.com.
All funds raised will go to meet the requirements of the Uyghur Tribunal. Any surplus funds will be dedicated to other Uyghur causes chosen by his wife, Ruba.
- 3 years ago
Sajid Suleman
3 years agoAqeel Hasan Noorali would have turned 35 today. We ask that you take a moment to pray for and remember Aqeel. On his birthday we want to update you on the great work that has been done by the Uyghur Tribunal using your donations. Uyghur Muslims who have managed to flee China need legal assistance and advice - please consider donating for this cause: https://pennyappeal.org/appeal/uyghur-emergency.
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- 4 years ago
Sajid Suleman
4 years agoThank you all for your support and messages. The Uyghur Tribunal has issued a touching dedication to Aqeel on their homepage: https://uyghurtribunal.com/dedication-to-aqeel-hasan-noorali/
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