We did it!
Anthony Pillage raised £2,480 from 37 supporters
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Closed 21/08/2017
Iʼve raised £2,480 to Anthony Pillage Stay Alive from his Cancer with alternative therapies
- Coventry, United Kingdom
- Funded on Monday, 21st August 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
At the age of 53, Anthony Pillage (Pillagius Maximus to his friends) was diagnosed with cancer, had a enormous operation and was given 6 months to live.
Pillage, a larger than life Martial Arts Expert, now in a fight for his life, christened the massive tumour in his chest "Bob". He took autonomy over his health care, implementing an extreme regime of pills, potions, supplements and diet.
In a sanity- saving attempt, he started to document day to day accounts of the ups and downs of his journey on social media, gathering a huge.
following who called themselves The Pillage Army in the process.
This was in 2014, sadly now the cancer is back (now called Polpot !!)
We need to raise funds for treatments in various Clinics as Chemo is not an option !! He has only a few months to beat this. All that we have tried may have slowed it down but its still growing. Well all 5 tumours are.
Please be kind
If you donate £10 you will receive a Kindle Ready copy of Breaking Bob
£25 a copy of Breaking Bob
£5o A Pillage Party T shirt and Book
Many thanks
Updates appear here
Anthony Pillage started crowdfunding
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Aug 21, 2017
(The other) Jennie mills
Aug 17, 2017
Andrea O'Leary
Aug 15, 2017
As I have been away from my Pilates sessions I would like to donate to you in your courageous fight to beat this b*****d! Good luck Tony and also thinking of Sarah xxx
Aug 7, 2017
Aug 7, 2017
Steve Nelson
Aug 5, 2017
Keep showing that cancer who's the boss mate.
David Ho
Aug 3, 2017
Best wishes with your treatment. Fingers crossed for you mate!
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