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angela Collins raised £10 from 1 supporter
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Closed 14/11/2018
Iʼve raised £10 to help give Maria Hogwood the send off she deserves money raised will go towards funerial and a memorial plaque sadly lost battle to cancer
- Funded on Wednesday, 14th November 2018
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Sadly on the 10/07/2018 maria hogwood lost her battle to cancer.and what a battle it was! maria such a brave beautiful loving caring mum motherinlaw nan wife sister cousin and friend to so many. And is missed so dearly lets give maria the send off she deserves all money donated will go towards funeral and a memorial plaque. All donations are very much appricated and will help take some stress and strains off family at this very sad time
- 7 years ago
angela Collins
7 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
angela Collins started crowdfunding
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Hayley Lindsey
Jul 17, 2018
Love you Maria! You deserve the best x
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