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Christopher Taylor raised £3,060 from 62 supporters
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Closed 16/02/2021
Iʼve raised £3,060 to mark the passing of Andy Wilson, a collection is being organised for his wife Julie.
- Liverpool
- Funded on Tuesday, 16th February 2021
Don't have time to donate right now?
Thanks!To mark the passing of Andy Wilson, a collection is being organised for his wife Julie.
Obviously Andy was a very popular, charismatic person, who was larger than life and was well known and loved throughout the whole of the city.
We feel sure his many friends and acquaintances will want to show their appreciation in his memory by contributing to this fund in recognition of the high esteem in which we all held him.
Although we didn't want to set a target, it is part of the justgiving policy to do so. Any amount above or below the target can still be collected.
- 4 years ago
Christopher Taylor
4 years agoHello everyone! Message here from Julie: A Big THANK YOU to all who donated to the fund for Andy! His sister Kath and I are so grateful and humbled by the love and generosity shown by his friends and all of the people for whom Andy met and meant something to in the course of his life. We will be arranging for a memorial bench and a tree to be planted in his memory details of which will be posted early next year as soon as can be arranged....Thank you all
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- 4 years ago
Christopher Taylor
4 years agoGreat to see everyone who could make it today. Hope you're all doin' ok; remember we're all united together in our love of Andy! Soon as we can get together we'll give Andy a proper send-off! Music, hugs, ale the lot! May the the spirit of THE WILSON #1 LIVE ON AND ON..XXX ...BIG LOVE everybody (Great whip-round by the way gang! Andy would've loved to go on ale with this! ha ..we need to wait another seven days until they give access to the cash so the link to donate will stay open until then if anyone asks) Take care out there! Chris x
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Phil Boyes
Nov 13, 2020
So sorry to hear this news. We rehearsed at Box when Andy had it and recorded with him. He always had time for a bit of banter and found him to be great company. Best wishes to his family.
Jennifer McVeigh
Oct 30, 2020
Janet hersee
Oct 26, 2020
Hope this helps Julie xxx
Ali Fellowes
Oct 26, 2020
Our love and thoughts are with you Julie. Ali, Aron & Ethan Fellowes 💕
Oct 26, 2020
What a great guy, will be sadly missed
Jackie & John
Oct 25, 2020
Andy was a great friend to all who knew him. He will be deeply missed in the Cobden. Sending love & strength to Julie & family at this awful time 💔
Kenny and Chris
Oct 25, 2020
Such a shock :-( Thoughts are with you and the family Ju. Loved our rehearsals upstairs with Andy and Pete eating all my biscuits... :-) A true gentleman, a great musician. Xx
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