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andy warry raised £685 from 18 supporters
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Closed 08/05/2018
Iʼve raised £685 to help fund a new Tennis wheelchair for Rachel Morris Gold medal Paralympian
- Hindhead, United Kingdom
- Funded on Tuesday, 8th May 2018
Don't have time to donate right now?
Im trying to raise money for a new tennis wheelchair to be specially made for Rachel.At present she has to borrow one, which is totally wrong for a Paralympian Gold medalist?!
- 7 years ago
andy warry
7 years agoWe are working hard! Rachel’s first real game of tennis after 1 month of training!
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- 7 years ago
andy warry
7 years agoCan you help me raise £10000 to help fund a new Tennis wheelchair for Rachel Morris Gold medal Para Olympian. Please donate to my JustGiving Crowdfunding Page: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/andy-warry?utm_id=100&utm_term=QND8yMmRM
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- 7 years ago
andy warry
7 years agoThank you so much for supporting, it is such a good cause! Thank you again X
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andy warry started crowdfunding
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Heidy Powell
Mar 10, 2018
Good luck with this Andy - I wish I had been able to meet Rachel and hear all about her achievements.
Pam Verdon
Feb 28, 2018
Hope to see you at Odiham again soon.
Pauline Brand
Feb 26, 2018
Great to see you playing Rachel - looking forward to seeing you at Wimbledon!Pauline and Graham
Jean Beanland
Feb 20, 2018
Hope you raise the funds you need - good luck to Rachel, she's truly inspirational
Feb 20, 2018
Go Rachel! - You will soon have a killer serve from what I saw! Kiki
Stephen and Barbara Padmore
Feb 19, 2018
A new tennis wheelchair ... what an 'advantage' we know you'll give it your best 'shot'.
Jacinta Kiely
Feb 18, 2018
Good luck Andy & Rachel , Jacinta
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