We did it!
Andrew Poole raised £2,675.2 from 97 supporters
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Closed 30/04/2018
Iʼve raised £2,675 to provide a counselling and wellbeing service for children at Speldhurst Primary School and I'll be running the London Marathon to do it!
- Speldhurst, Tunbridge Wells, UK
- Funded on Monday, 30th April 2018
Don't have time to donate right now?
Please join me in raising funds to provide a Counselling and Wellbeing service for the children of Speldhurst Primary School. Your generosity could make a lasting difference to children struggling to deal with difficult or troubling situations In their home lives. With the help of a professional counsellor we could provide early intervention and a safe and supportive environment to explore and resolve issues that threaten to deny them a happy and carefree childhood. On Sunday 22nd April, I’ll be lacing up my running shoes and preparing to run 26.2 gruelling miles at the London Marathon to support the wellbeing and welfare of our children. Please join me...
One counselling session for one child will cost £30.00. A child will typically need 10 such sessions. If we can raise £3,000 we can make a real difference.
Thank you!
- 7 years ago
Andrew Poole
7 years agoLast day before the race. A day to do nothing but rest, drink water, eat pasta and keep an eye on the temperature. I picked up a nasty bug this week but hope I’m through the other side. But really looking forward to a great day tomorrow and hoping to match in effort the amazing generosity of all my sponsors. You can follow my progress by downloading the London Marthon spectator APP. My number is 18665. I’m hoping to finish within 5 hours.
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- 7 years ago
Andrew Poole
7 years agoLast few days before the race and now the priority is resting, recovering and carb loading. I’ll be eating as much pasta and drinking as much water as I can manage over the next few days. Tonight I tried out the costume on a run through T Wells. A few odd looks but great to find out that it’s comfortable and doesn’t rub!
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- 7 years ago
Andrew Poole
7 years agoSo many runners wear costume to add colour to the spectacle of the race and to boost their fund raising. Not to be left out, I will be running as a Roman centurion with shield and sword thrown in! Thanks Patsy for all your help and creativity in getting the costume together!
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Andrew Poole started crowdfunding
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Catherine Barrett
Apr 25, 2018
Congratulations Mr Poole! An inspiring achievement for a worthy cause. A big pat on the back from the Barretts!
S Tafazzoli
Apr 25, 2018
Very well done Mr Poole for running the London Marathon,From Tafazzolis
Catherine Starritt
Apr 23, 2018
Well done!
G Bland
Apr 23, 2018
Well done Mr Poole from Thomas, Emily and the Bland family
Christine Beal
Apr 23, 2018
Well done ! Had a great day!
Helen Yates
Apr 22, 2018
Hope it all went well - what a fantastic achievement.
Helen Yates on behalf of Martin Steinbelt
Apr 22, 2018
From Martin Steinbelt via PTA
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