We did it!
Andrew Davenport raised £350 from 18 supporters
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Closed 19/01/2017
Iʼve raised £350 to support the Eden Projects Big Sleep Out charity event, and help raise money for the St Petroc's Society. Helping the homeless this winter.
- Funded on Thursday, 19th January 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
Last year I took part in the Eden Projects Big Sleep Out charity event to try and raise money for the St Petroc's Society.
I spent the night under the stars, no pillow, no duvet, no source of heat, no real, creature comforts - just like so many homeless people facing yet another cold and lonely winter. Unlike them - I had a home to go back to, they don't. It really was an eye opener.
St Petroc's exists to provide a diverse range of services for the single homeless, who, more often than not, fall outside the responsibility of statutory authorities. The Society provides accommodation, support, advice, training and resettlement services to single homeless people in Cornwall. Within resources available, they strive to provide the best quality of service possible. Their primary aim is to provide these services to people aged 16-65 years and for whom no provision is made within the community, either statutory or otherwise
Thanks to your kind donations we were able to raise over £300 for the charity last year, and I once again call on your kindness and generosity - and ask if you could spare a small donation for this years Big Sleep Out (which I am taking part in again).
Every little really does help, so please spare what you can to help this worthy cause.
Thank you,
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Andrew Davenport started crowdfunding
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Nov 12, 2016
well done bro really proud of you. xxx
Madeleine East
Nov 12, 2016
richard abbott
Nov 11, 2016
well done, for donating your energy and comfort to highlight this worthy cause
Nov 11, 2016
Well done all of you!
Catherine Evans
Nov 10, 2016
You go guys!
Nov 10, 2016
Anna Yould
Nov 10, 2016
Good luck all of you! Brrr hope it's not to cold!!!
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