We did it!
Andrea Watson raised £8,231.5 from 315 supporters
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Closed 14/08/2020
Iʼve raised £8,231 to help keep Marple Cinema and Marple Carver Theatre afloat in these COVID-19 times
- Marple, Cheshire
- Funded on Friday, 14th August 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
Marple, Cheshire is home of Marple Regent Cinema and The Carver Theatre.
The Carver Theatre was founded in 1906, 114 years ago and Marple Regent Cinema first opened its doors on 22nd August 1931, almost 89 years ago.
Both are massive parts of the Marple Community and any money raised would be split equally between both venues during this most unprecedented time. Both venues will be going through costly changes in order to comply with the new COVID-19 regulations for when they can re open.
Any donations would be greatly appriciated. Please can you share.
Many Thanks Andrea & Rachel
- 5 years ago
Andrea Watson
5 years agoWe’re at 81% and today, 31st July is the last day for donations. Thank you so much to everyone who has donated. Thank You 😊
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- 5 years ago
Andrea Watson
5 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
- 5 years ago
Andrea Watson
5 years agoOh my days were at 68%. Thank you all so much. I’m going to close the page for donations on 31st July so that the money can be shared between both venues. I am so grateful to everyone that has donated so far. 😍 x
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Andrea Watson started crowdfunding
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Aug 3, 2020
Aug 3, 2020
Aug 3, 2020
Aug 3, 2020
Aug 2, 2020
Aug 1, 2020
Jul 31, 2020
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