We did it!
Anayah-Israel raised £4,279 from 78 supporters
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Closed 30/11/2022
Iʼve raised £4,279 to Help Anayah-Israel access life-changing therapy
- Funded on Wednesday, 30th November 2022
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We have moved over to a charitable page with charitable status and are no longer using this page. This allows for Anayah to receive added Gift Aid on all donations and provides the donator with more peace of mind.
Thank you all in advance for your continued support, love and generosity!
Hello! My name is Anayah-Israel, but you can call me ‘Biscuit’. I’m 2 years old and I live with my Mummy; Sarah, my Daddy; Deji and baby brother; Judah, in Nottingham.
I’m very very very, VERY strong because when I was born, Mummy was bleeding out lots and lots and my heart stopped. The Doctors had to resuscitate me for 11 minutes to bring me back and help me to breathe. Not having oxygen at birth means that my brain got very very poorly and had a severe brain injury. This means that I find lots of different things quite difficult because my brain has to try and find new ways to do things and I need lots of help from my Mummy, Daddy and nurses.
I was in NICU (Neo-natal intensive care) for 34 days at the QMC hospital. The Doctor’s told Mummy and Daddy that I wouldn’t live see 4 days old, but I didn’t listen to them because I’m a WARRIOR and I tried so hard to be here… I plan to stay here!
The Doctor said that I suffered a very serious HIE (Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy) brain injury, which means that when I wasn’t getting enough oxygen, parts of my brain got very injured and don’t work as they should. The HIE means that Doctors now say I have Cerebral Palsy, epilepsy, CVI (Cortical Visual Impairment) and some hearing loss. BUT, Mummy also says I have Warrior-syndrome because I’m so strong and overcome!
Over the past years, I have spent 26 weeks in hospital with chest and lung infections, pneumonia, epilepsy and difficulties with my airway. If I get a cold it can be very dangerous for me, so Mummy has to work extra hard to keep me safe from germs. I always fight them off though! Mummy has had to give me CPR 3 times and I’ve had CPR a total of 8 times in my life. It is so scary because I can’t breathe and I go blue.
My Mummy and Daddy say I have expensive taste because they spent thousands and thousands of pounds on therapies like Physio, Speech and Language, Conductive Education, laser therapy, HBOT (Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber therapy), PBM (Photo Bio Modulation therapy) and neuro-plasticity ABM movement therapy. Sadly, the NHS have minimal therapeutic hands-on involvement which I really, REALLY need. So as a family we’ve decided to try and fund raise for my on-going treatment and go Ireland for an intensive NAPA (Neurological and Physical Abilitation) programme (September 2022), Stem Cell therapy in America (early 2023) and for follow on ABM therapy, PBM and HBOT.
We want to raise awareness of the barriers I have experienced because of my medical complexities and unequal access to services.
3 years ago
3 years ago*UPDATE* Please click on this link to donate: https://just4children.org/anayahisrael/ We have moved over to a charitable page with charitable status and are no longer using this page. This allows for Anayah to receive added Gift Aid on all donations and provides the donator with more peace of mind. Thank you all in advance for your continued support, love and generosity!
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Anayah-Israel started crowdfunding
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Aug 29, 2022
Katie McGoldrick
Aug 29, 2022
All our love to a beautiful fighter 💜
Aug 28, 2022
Nancy Lekx
Aug 23, 2022
Maintain that warrior spirit!
Aug 22, 2022
I pray God's blessings be upon you and family.
Jess Burrell
Aug 22, 2022
Lorna McDougall
Aug 21, 2022
All the best, little family, on your journey of love and life.
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