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Amber Gerard raised £25 from 2 supporters
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Closed 11/08/2022
Iʼve raised £25 to help support my Dad who was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease during lockdown
- Funded on Thursday, 11th August 2022
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In May 2020 my dad, Rick Gerard was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease (MND). This disease has no cure or effective treatment. Although I’m not much older now, I was only 17 years old when he got diagnosed.
MND is a condition that affects the brains ability to communicate with your muscles as the neuro pathways break down. This essentially results in a kind of paralysis of the limbs. There are different types of MND, how they start and develop all differ but, unfortunately they all end in the same way. The life expectancy is 2-5 years, one third of those die within a year and 50% die within two years.
Since dad’s diagnosis he has lost most basic independence. He used to be the one I'd go to if I couldn't open a jar or if there was a spider I was too scared to go near. All of a sudden, it's the case that he can't do these simple things that people take for granted and now I'm the one trying to help him. From a young age he's always taught me about Birds of Prey and got me involved with all of his hobbies or helping with one of his many, endless projects!
I was always too scared to go on his motorbike and he came in with a helmet one day and said "we're going out on the bike", I was terrified to say the least and I clung onto him as soon as I got on the back of the bike. We're complete opposites, I'm always too scared to try anything whereas he'll do anything but he always takes me out of my comfort zone. Anyway, when we were on the motorbike I realised that I actually really enjoyed it. We went out a few more times on it, unfortunately the next time the weather was nice enough to go out, he couldn't ride the bike anymore. I wouldn't go out on a motorbike again because I don't trust anyone enough as I trust him.
My dad has always been fiercely independent and that is one of the things that makes him ‘Rick’. He was unable to work from the onset and is now left unable to do any of his hobbies. Like the motorbiking and his lifelong love of Falconry. A passion which he has had since a very young age. He is a published author in the subject of Falconry as well as breeding Birds of Prey for global release programs to help save species from extinction. He is also no longer able to train dogs, another one of his passions. Last year dad sold his motorbike to fund the off-road capable mobility scooter which allowed him to take his dogs for a ‘walk’. He is now unable to transfer into this so sadly that has now had to go, he can no longer take his dogs for a ‘walk’ unless it’s on a simple paved area, which will be very different to the fields and wilderness they are used to.
There is always ongoing trials and research but they are still unaware what causes MND. There are many suggestions but nothing has been 100% scientifically proven. Anecdotally this is a disease which cruelly attacks the most active members of society with a number of professional sportsmen and women falling victim to MND. The publics awareness of the disease has been very much increased in recent years. Rob Burrows, Doddie Weir and Stephen Darby to name but a few. It is completely cruel and unfair that it strips the independence of those who value it most.
It breaks my heart to think that the person I admire and look up to the most won’t be around to see my future successes and celebrations. It is very likely that my dad won’t be by my side at my future wedding or meet his future grandchildren. I can’t help but dread my future because everything that I had planned included him. I can’t help the inevitable but I can try my best to help him while I can.
To live anything close to a basic independent life, he needs regular care and specially adapted equipment. The support provided by the NHS care team is incredible and we can’t thank them enough. Unfortunately, much of the equipment needed to maintain a reasonable level of independence is not funded nor is it available through the NHS.
Dad has always been the first person to give help where he can, one main example being 2017 when he took part in an Ultra White Collar Boxing event to raise money for Cancer Research UK.
We live in hope, as do many others, that a cure will be found but until such time we have to try our best to mitigate the symptoms in any way we can. We did a fund raiser last year which went really well but over the next few months we hope to do some more traditional fundraising events now we can get out. Every donation is very much appreciated and will go directly towards helping my dad live out his time with as much comfort and dignity as possible.
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Sep 10, 2021
Sep 10, 2021
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