We did it!
Amanda Knowles raised £760 from 27 supporters
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Closed 30/01/2020
Iʼve raised £760 to help fund Your Life Your Story 2019
- Lancaster
- Funded on Thursday, 30th January 2020
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Your Life Your Story began as a 'Care Leavers Week' event in October 2017. Now a charity, that brings care experienced adults and caregivers together with published authors, artists and poets to amplify their voice through the techniques of storytelling. Whether for therapeutic reasons, just for the record or to be published, exhibited or performed, Your Life Your Story offers therapeutically supported creative opportunities that unleash the power of relationships and the untold story...
“I had never really had the courage to sit and think about or write about my experiences growing up in care. It was well hidden. Thinking about it was difficult and triggering but it was also so empowering. I wished that I had a similar opportunity when I was younger, especially at the point of leaving care. A 16-year-old who headed to University because I had no home to return to and with no aftercare, support of any kind (not even a phone call from a social worker) or family support network. I couldn’t help but wonder how a YLYS residential could have helped me back then." Jolene 2017
By amplifying the collective voice of care givers and care experienced adults through story-telling Your Life Your Story has the potential to change lives and improve the future lives of vulnerable children and young people.
Every penny of your donation will help to fund Your Life Your Story 2019.

6 years ago
Amanda Knowles
6 years agoYour Life Your Story brings care experienced adults and caregivers together with published authors, artists and poets in a supportive community to learn the techniques of storytelling through the Arts. The soundtrack to this video is a song written and performed by Tasha at the first Your Life Your Story during Care Leavers Week 2017. As we approach the 3rd annual Your Life Your Story this video tells the story of our journey so far.
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6 years ago
Amanda Knowles
6 years agoChildren not heard, vested interest protected, crimes hidden, whistle blowers silenced, failed legislation and a failing justice system has cast a shadow over five-decades of children’s social care. YLYS brings care experienced adults and caregivers together with published authors, poets and exhibited artists to learn the techniques of storytelling. It is a safe place to reflect, to learn from other perspectives, and to unleash the power of relationships to shape the future through the collective voice and untold stories.
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6 years ago
Amanda Knowles
6 years ago“When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.” ― Maya Angelou
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Amanda Knowles started crowdfunding
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Tamar Green
Sep 4, 2019
What a great project! Hope you reach your goal 💛
Philip Mcvay
Aug 28, 2019
Hopefully you will reach your target this year - you’re do an amazing thing Amanda keep fighting the fight x
Jim Goddard
Aug 27, 2019
This seems to be an excellent initiative so I'm happy to support it. Good luck to everyone involved.
Rosie Dickson
Aug 24, 2019
A fabulous project. Love to everyone involved.
Aug 24, 2019
Amazing project Amanda.The very best of luck in raising the required amount. 👍🏽
Cheryl corless
Aug 24, 2019
Looking forward to meeting you all
Rosie Longstocking
Aug 7, 2019
A lovely project that takes place in a safe and therapeutic environment for older care experienced who tend to be forgotten by society.
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Amanda Knowles
Amanda Knowles MBE is passionate about amplifying the voices of care experienced adults and caregivers through story-telling. YLYS offers a reflective space to the care experienced community and caregivers who do not usually have access to a creative writing space.