We did it!
amanda woodburn raised £950 from 54 supporters
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Closed 02/10/2017
Iʼve raised £950 to support the Together Forever Trust set up in memory of Liam and Chloe to help kids reach their potential in sport and performance
- London, United Kingdom
- Funded on Monday, 2nd October 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
After tragically losing my cousin Liam and his girlfriend Chloe in the Manchester terrorist attack, their families have set up the Chloe and Liam Together Forever Trust to help kids reach their potential in sport and perfomance arts.
Liam was passionate about sport in particular cricket and Chloe about performance arts and singing. Helping others is something Liam and Chloe would do without thinking, this trust is just one way their memory will live on and will be helping others have opportunities that they thought unreachable.
To raise funds I will be taking part in the Chislehurst Chase on September 17th.
Please help support this amazing trust so dearly close to my heart.
Thank you xxx
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amanda woodburn started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Colin Ngan
Oct 1, 2017
Well done on completing the run Amanda; an excellent organisation to support too.
Sep 30, 2017
Lots of Love, Auntie Margaret and Uncle Ronnie
Paul Woodburn
Sep 30, 2017
Well done love Kath and Frank xx.
Beverly Hunt
Sep 29, 2017
Well done. Proud of you xx
Levi Cosker
Sep 29, 2017
You have done absolutely amazing such an amazing cause ❤️
Elly Freeman
Sep 26, 2017
Well done!!
Natalie Bourke
Sep 26, 2017
A great achievement Amanda and for such an important cause! Love Natalie, Chris & Rosa x
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