We did it!
please help raise 30000 for Alyla Grace Stokes raised £15,054 from 127 supporters
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Closed 21/07/2022
Iʼve raised £15,054 to We've raised £11,657 to help Alyla Grace Stokes
- warrington
- Funded on Thursday, 21st July 2022
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A group of local friends have joined together to raise money for a very special little girl... These friends will be taking on the national 'Three Peaks Challenge' plus a trekking, cycling and kayaking 'Triathlon' to raise as much money as possible!
Here's Ayla-Grace's mum's story:
Ayla-Grace was born at 32 weeks weighing 4lb. Ayla spent the next five weeks in hospital before being able to re-join her family at home. Ayla-Grace was diagnosed the quadriplegic cerebral palsy at 18 months old after missing her development milestones when having her MRI scans.
Quadriplegic cerebral palsy effects all four of Ayla's limbs, predominantly her legs. Therefore, she is unable to stand unaided or walk and 'never' taken her first steps. She has so much strength and determination that one day she will be able to take these first steps which would bring her so much independence!
Ayla has baclchen massages (x5) every day and has a vigorous physio routine. She has botox injections in her legs to help reduce the tightness and relax her muscles. Her splints and stand aid / chair help her a little, she never complains, but each day she becomes more determined.
Now Ayla-Grace is three years old, we are desperately hoping to raise money to be able to get her SDR Surgery. Selective dorsal rhizotomy (SDR) surgery is a procedure that treats muscle spasticity caused by abnormal communication among the brain, spinal cord, nerves and muscles. It corrects muscle spasticity by cutting the nerve rootlets in the spinal cord that are sending abnormal signals to the muscles.
So, with this amazing little girl in mind, Ayla's family and all the fundraising team would welcome your support by making a kind donation, whatever it may be, and let's keep this smiling determined face the best possible future!
Thank you so much.....
- 4 years ago
please help raise 30000 for Alyla Grace Stokes
4 years agoWe have in fact Already £11657 for Alyla Grace Stokes this is just a new page but all previous donations are still valid and appreciated. Thanks
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please help raise 30000 for Alyla Grace Stokes started crowdfunding
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Jo & Mike
Feb 6, 2022
Good luck with all the fund raising! Brilliant job so far! X
H little Manor
Nov 23, 2021
Such a great cause
Alyla Grace Golf Day
Nov 3, 2021
Tony walsh
Nov 1, 2021
Money raised from the golf day for the Arsenal shirt
Noel molloy
Sep 29, 2021
Great work wingman & friends 👏👍
Michael Peace
Sep 29, 2021
Message from Nick Ross ; Only known Michael for 1 week fishing in France, really can't believe the generosity of some people, what a nice bloke. Thanks again Michael, totally lost for words.
Stuart Edwards AKA stu the cop
Sep 15, 2021
Let's get the target met
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please help raise 30000 for Alyla Grace Stokes
We. have in fact already raised £11657 for Alyla Grace Stokes this is just a new page and all previous donations still remain valid and appreciated. Thank you