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Alessandra Valle - Metaxas raised £238 from 4 supporters
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Closed 08/10/2018
Iʼve raised £238 to raise funds for The Bambisanani Partnership
- Funded on Monday, 8th October 2018
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‘Sports have the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire, the power to unite people in a way that little else does. It speaks to youth in a language they understand.’ (Nelson Mandela)
Sport and exercise has always been a key and fundamental part of my life whether its diving, swimming, athletics, fencing, netball, OCR, you name it, I’ll ‘volunteer as tribute’ (I’m always down for a game of Rounders).
It’s taught me how to be part of a team, to be confident, a leader, passionate, determined and a fighter. I think that sport can do this for everyone and it doesn’t matter if you are a world class athlete or just someone that enjoys a kick about; sport is for everyone and bring us together.
With that being said, I hate running. Hate it. ‘But you do Obstacle Course’s all the time!’ I hear you proclaim. And that would be correct however, if you ask any of my lovely OCR pal’s whether I enjoy the running part of the OCR’s well… I know what they would say! I do however love a challenge and will always look for new ways to push myself and what better city to embark on my next challenge than my favourite city of Newcastle upon Tyne!
Having lived in Newcastle for 4 years, I’m so excited to be able to finally run this half marathon and cross that South Shields finish line! Sport and exercise are powerful and can help people achieve things they never knew they could and this is exactly what The Bambisanani Partnership does.
I was lucky enough to go to South Africa with The Bambisanani Partnership in 2011 and be part of the wonderful project which has only strengthened in me the belief that sport can bring out the best in everyone. I witnessed young adults lead a sports day with young primary school children, come out of their shells, lead with passion and defy anyone that says they can’t achieve their goals.
The Bambisanani Partnership started in 2006 and is a unique collaboration developed by St. Mary’s Menston in Leeds,
7 years ago
Alessandra Valle - Metaxas
7 years agoCompleted the Leeds 10k in 1:13:58 and im thrilled!! I only signed up on thursday evening to challenge myself and i was aiming for 1:15 so to beat my aim is something I'm very proud of! And it was absolutely boiling!! Just got to keep that training up now and ill be on my way to the GNR!!
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7 years ago
Alessandra Valle - Metaxas
7 years agoKick starting my training (albeit a tad late) but with my first run along the beach in Alcudia, Mallorca - well worth the 6am start on holiday just to see that sunrise!
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Alessandra Valle - Metaxas started crowdfunding
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Sep 2, 2018
Good Luck Alessandra. We are very proud of you for always trying to improve other people's lives.
Christine Valle
Sep 1, 2018
Always proud of the way you challenge yourself no matter how tough something is or how scared you are. You always get there and never give up! I hope you reach your target for this truly worthy cause
Brogan O'Connor
Jul 3, 2018
Unreal! Great cause! Good luck with the training and hopefully see you on the day!
Jul 3, 2018
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