We did it!
Elin Griffiths-Warner raised £240 from 9 supporters
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Closed 10/09/2021
Iʼve raised £240 to for Girls Against. “Girls Against is a nonprofit organisation standing up against sexual assault and misogyny in the live music scene"
- Funded on Friday, 10th September 2021
Don't have time to donate right now?
After Midnight is running our second online music festival, this time we have decided to support Girls Against.
“Girls Against is a nonprofit organisation standing up against sexual assault and misogyny in the live music scene. We build valuable educational resources, safe spaces and inclusivity. Formed in 2015, we aim to create a conversation within the industry about sexual assault, as well as aiding discussion about other surrounding social and political issues. The campaign acts as a support network for victims, a place where people can come to talk about potentially uncomfortable gig experiences without judgement.”
This cause is one that we are very passionate about and I think if we can raise any money for the cause it will be greatly appreciated.
The Summer Daze festival will be held on Saturday June 12 at 7pm BST on our After Midnight Blog YouTube channel, and the line-up is amazing so you won't want to miss this.
All of the funds raised with this page from this event will be transferred directly to the Girls Against crowdfunder after the event.
For more information head to https://www.girlsagainst.co.uk/
Find all of our After Midnight links here: https://linktr.ee/aftermidnightblog
Updates appear here
Elin Griffiths-Warner started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Alec and Karen Morrow
Jun 13, 2021
A great concert, Elin - and an important cause. Well done!
Graham Walker
Jun 12, 2021
Great work
Jun 12, 2021
Excellent Festival. Brilliant Performances, worthy cause.
Steve Trodd
Jun 12, 2021
Good work Elin. Don’t know how you do it. X
Jun 12, 2021
Wonderful Festival again Elin xx
Niall Thomas
Jun 12, 2021
Jun 12, 2021
Fantastic Festival
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