We did it!
Adie’s courageous journey raised £3,060 from 132 supporters
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Closed 28/02/2019
Iʼve raised £3,060 to Help support Adie and his inspirational family through his treatment. Sadly Adie has been diagnosed with brain cancer at just 11 years old
- Penrith, Cumbria, UK
- Funded on Thursday, 28th February 2019
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Sam is one of the most beautiful people I know inside and out. She has an equally fantastic husband, Gary. And 3 gorgeous children. Natasha 18, Saskia 16 and Adie 11.
Sam and Gary’s youngest child Adie has been very poorly for the past 18 months , he has missed lots of school and has been fed by a feeding tube for many months and despite lots of hospital appointments, he was not getting any better.
In October, Adie started to have problems with his eye. Following a scan the family were given some devastating news Adie was diagnosed with brain Cancer..
One of his tumours has grown over the pituitary gland which controls everything in your body, eg appetite, thirst, growth, feelings etc
Adie has started chemotherapy and is on thyroxine, steroids and hydrocortisone medication for life now. He is also going to have a growth hormone to catch up as he hasn’t grown for the past 18 months.
They have amazing support from their families and friends.
I would like to raise a minimum of £500 (more would be amazing). Just to ease their everyday necessary bills and to possibly make a donation to the ward that Adie is being treated at the RVI.
Wouldn't it be amazing if we could reach this target and more for such an amazing family. If we can double the target or more, once Adie is up to it, the money could also go towards a well deserved family holiday for some quality time together as a family unit.
Sam and Gary are incredibly proud people and would never ask for help. But I know there are so many of us that would be incredibly proud if we could just help a little bit.
Individually it may not be a lot, but together it could be massive.
- 6 years ago
Adie’s courageous journey
6 years agoWOW! we have nearly hit the £3000 mark. This is absolutley amazing and I cannot thank you all enough. This will mean so much to Adie and his family who I know will be incredably greatful. I am proud to call myself a friend of such an inspirational family, who are holding their heads high through extremely difficult and heartbreaking times. Great to see we still have a community spirit.
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- 6 years ago
Adie’s courageous journey
6 years agoAdie Update Chemo has been extremely grueling, resulting in hearing loss & needing blood & platelet transfusions. He is now registered partial sighted. The radio therapy will last 7 wks. Unfortunately this will have physical side effects too. While we haven't been blessed with good luck BUT we have been blessed with the best friends/family in the world. We will get Adie through this he may not be the old Adie but we can rebuild him into the best he can be with the smile we all love. We really appreciate your care and support. Team Todd
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- 6 years ago
Adie’s courageous journey
6 years agoThank you message from the Todd family
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Adie’s courageous journey started crowdfunding
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Dot Langston and family
Feb 21, 2019
Thinking of you all and sending our love xx
Rod Mckend
Feb 14, 2019
Best wishes Adie, keep on keepin on, young man!
Annette & Tony Pears
Feb 13, 2019
Love to you all. Thinking of you x
Kim Varty
Feb 13, 2019
Just thought I’d round it up!
Tracey Cannon
Feb 12, 2019
Amazing courage best wishes to you all.
Nathan Jackson
Feb 12, 2019
You are the most inspiring and beautiful family. Sending you all our love xxx
Carol Armstrong
Feb 12, 2019
Thinking of you all and wishing you well xx
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Adie’s courageous journey
Penrith, Cumbria, UK
I have known Sam for many years and she is a very dear friend. I was feeling pretty useless when Adie got diagnosed struggling to find ways to support and help during a very difficult time, hence the crowd funding.