We did it!
ADHD Jersey raised £3,390 from 58 supporters
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Closed 08/06/2023
Iʼve raised £3,390 to help Adhd Jersey provide support to those affected with ADHD via courses and direct support.
- Jersey Channel Islands
- Funded on Thursday, 8th June 2023
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ADHD Jersey was set up by peers with ADHD as no support was available on island. we recognize that having ADHD has a direct impact on mental health and well-being and therefore, we aim to upskill and train facilitators to run courses helping those affected by ADHD directly.
ADHD Jersey aims to Support, Empower and Connect the diverse and inclusive communities of Jersey impacted by ADHD. By providing a voice for those, of any age, with ADHD while assisting them to access the resources they need to thrive via
Awareness - Increase public awareness of ADHD and its traits, both positive and challenging. To include awareness of the benefits of proper assessment and treatment, including improved mental health and well-being, at any age.
Education and training -Provide or facilitate access to education on living with ADHD as well as the assessment process and available resources. Work with employers to provide advice and information on how to support employees with ADHD as well as positive reasonable adjustments in the workplace. Provide and facilitate access to further education for professionals, parents, caregivers and support networks on ADHD traits and less commonly known signs of ADHD. Provide practical advice on living with ADHD and adjustments that can potentially improve quality of life. Provide information and resources for the wider community to better understand ADHD and its challenges.
Support -Establish and maintain peer support groups for those with ADHD to interact in a safe environment without the need to mask their traits. Provide one to one peer support and guidance based on individual needs. Establish a route through which professionals and ADHD experts can refer or signpost those with ADHD for additional peer support as needed. Acknowledge and support the challenges and impacts of late diagnosis trauma.
Inclusion, diversity and accessibility - Work to ensure that those with ADHD feel included and understand their positive contributions to a diverse community. Consider and provide a variety of mediums through which information and support can be accessed. Work and partner with other peers or professional services to support comorbidity. Consider and work with the intersectionality of mental health and well-being alongside lifelong conditions.
This initial fundraising drive will be used to upskill facilitators and provide the materials to run courses to help those with ADHD directly. ADHD Jersey
- 2 years ago
ADHD Jersey
2 years agoWe’ve raised enough to start the adult course thank you so so much! Just a little more to go to get the teenage course under way! You’re all amazing THANK YOU!!!!
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- 2 years ago
ADHD Jersey
2 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
ADHD Jersey started crowdfunding
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Hearts & Crafts
May 2, 2023
May 1, 2023
Apr 20, 2023
Apr 12, 2023
Apr 11, 2023
Apr 10, 2023
Nathan, Angie, Sydney and Sam Wright
Apr 9, 2023
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
ADHD Jersey
Jersey Channel Islands
ADHD Jersey was set up by peers with ADHD as no support was available on island. we recognize that having ADHD has a direct impact on mental health and well-being and therefore, we aim to upskill and train facilitators to run courses helping those affected by ADHD directly.