We did it!
Mrs Kathryn E Rowland raised £2,500 from 99 supporters
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Closed 06/06/2020
Iʼve raised £2,500 to COMPLETED
- Ely
- Funded on Saturday, 6th June 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
90% of funds raised will go to Arthur Rank Hospice Charity and 10% to All In Sound.
Kathryn Rowland has written a new song in response to the Covid-19 crisis that we are all facing in many different ways at the moment. Through her choir work over the past 10 years, Kathryn has worked a lot with Arthur Rank Hospice Charity raising funds as well as getting her choirs to sing at various events.
Listen to the song and see the video here: https://youtu.be/mV7unqZhPso
The pandemic has already had a devastating on Arthur Rank's ability to fundraise to sustain their vital services, and initial forecasts estimate a loss of £700,000 over the next 6 months.
Kathryn wants to help support this vital service, and the amazing work that this charity does, so is releasing the song to support, and hope that people will back it and help us to reach and smash through our target!
She is very grateful to everyone who has enabled this song to happen and all the hard work that everyone has put in!
In addition, 10% of money raised will go to registered charity All In Sound, a much smaller charity, that since 2018 has run a singing and music-making group for people living with dementia in Ely. Another vital service that needs to keep fundraising to ensure it's longevity after we all emerge from our current situation. Currently sessions are online providing people in the group with the all important connections that we all need at the moment.
Thank you all so much for your support.
- 5 years ago
Mrs Kathryn E Rowland
5 years agoThank you for all the support so far - it is amazing!! Thank you all!!
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- 5 years ago
Mrs Kathryn E Rowland
5 years agoThat is amazing within 24 hours to reach our target!!! Thank you to each and everyone of you .... onwards and upwards!... look forward to smashing through this target and raising lots more! Thank you all for all your support! xx
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Mrs Kathryn E Rowland started crowdfunding
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May 13, 2020
A privilege to be part of this Kathryn x
May 12, 2020
well done Kathryn - lovely song and great cause!
May 6, 2020
Liz Corr
May 6, 2020
May 6, 2020
Tony and Karen
May 5, 2020
Well done Kathryn,Jason and everyone at Sing! Choirs, the song sounds amazing. We are proud to be part of our lovely choir and to be raising money for two worthy charities.
Janet Moore
May 5, 2020
Thanks Kathryn for doing that - the video was amazing!
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