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Abra Wood raised £9,270 from 525 supporters
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Closed 02/03/2017
Iʼve raised £9,270 to help raise funds for Troy Mackinlay for his very long journey ahead. Troy will need a lot of treatment plus specialist equipment.
- Co Durham
- Funded on Thursday, 2nd March 2017
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My brother Troy, 18 for Co.Durham was in a serious house fire 15 weeks ago, he suffered 85% 3rd and 4th degree burns! :( we have no idea how but he woke up in bed on fire and got him self out! He was in such a state people can't belive he got out the house alive! They took him straight to the RVI in Newcastle where he was worked on for 13 hours! 10.30pm that night the family was finally able to go in and see him in the CCU what we was about to see was absolutely horrific 😭 his face and head was massively swollen up and blisterd to the size of a big gym ball, he was in an induced coma and no joke attached to about 10 different machines probably more to tell you the truth!! He was on 100% oxygen, kidney dialysis cos his kidneys had failed, lungs and liver also failing and not getting better! He was on a heater as he couldn't regulate his own body temp, he was bandaged from head to toe he looked like a mummy, 😭 the was lines and wires and pipes coming out of him all over the place I was heart broken looking at my little brother like this :( Loads of stuff has happened since but now fast forward 15 weeks on he's just came of the critical care and is now next door on the burns unit, so that is one massive step straigh away! he only has one more optation left, they have done all the skin grafts and they are healing nice, and he is making overall a miracle recovery, all his organs are now working on there own, he has lost fingers and finger tips so he's Guna have to learn to hold things again, and learn to walk and talk on his own again Still a long road ahead but we are all so proud he still has at least another year inside yet but we know he's Guna do this So we want to thank you all at the #RVI #NEWCASTLE To say Troy had only 5% chance of making it out of theatre alive on that very first day! 😭😭😭😭 15 weeks on we have just took this picture of him now! Please donate if you can Troy is going to need a lot of help and adjustments to his own place when he gets home.
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8 years ago
Abra Wood
8 years agoWow!!!! What can I say thank you so so much everyone who's donated no matter how large or small every penny is very much appreciated this will Go a long way in to helping Troy get back on his feet! THANK YOU!!!!!
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Mar 1, 2017
Stacy Horton
Mar 1, 2017
Sending lots of love xx
marilyn dixon
Feb 28, 2017
michael willis
Feb 28, 2017
Good luck
Feb 28, 2017
Tony Brown
Feb 27, 2017
Best wishes! x
Feb 26, 2017
Keep going Troy!
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