We did it!
Jack Simpson raised £50 from 3 supporters
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Closed 08/08/2018
Iʼve raised £50 to help with the production of Abernethy Primary Schools Jrock.
- Funded on Wednesday, 8th August 2018
Don't have time to donate right now?
A Collection of absolutely amazing pupils from Abernethy Primary School are involved in a dance and drama based performance called Jrock.
Jrock is the junior version of the uk rock challenge which is an initiative which Shows children and young people that you don't need alcohol or drugs to have a good time and you can receive a natural high from the buzz of perfomning on stage.
The children from Abernethy are last years winners and are raising money to retain their title... they will be performing an 8 minute long performance. The money from fundraising will go towards set production, costume production, Make Up and hair and anything else we require to make the kids have an absolute blast.
Please donate all you can!
Love Jack and Lara ( Directors of Abernethy Jrock)
Updates appear here
Jack Simpson started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
G Simpson
Jul 13, 2018
M Smith
Jul 13, 2018
Loraine Ledwell
Jul 10, 2018
Good luck guys
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