We did it!
Aatif Ahmad raised £630 from 35 supporters
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Closed 03/05/2020
Iʼve raised £630 to purchase food supplies for our heroic NHS staff.
- Birmingham
- Funded on Sunday, 3rd May 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
Hi guys.
I'm a 16 Year Old baker who has come to realise that, during this extremely difficult time that we are in at the moment, we have all come to appreciate our NHS service. The Doctors, Nurses, Paramedics, each and every one of them have sacrificed so much to ensure the public's health and safety are priority.
To give a small thanks back to them I have decided to bake for the NHS team. I will be baking the following:
Cakes, Cupcakes, Cakesicles and Concrete Cake for approximately 160 NHS Staff.
I would also like to take this time to appeal to all of you to donate money so that I can buy Food, Drinks and Snacks to give to the NHS staff that are working exhausting hours and jeopardizing their own lives to save others. I have set up a Just Giving page. Please spread the link and donate what you can.
Many Thanks
Aatif Ahmad
- 5 years ago
Aatif Ahmad
5 years agoHey guys, I'm currently waiting for the last few funds to be processed. This will happen within the next few days. I will be purchasing the food supplies once this has been done and I will continue to update you all on this journey.
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- 5 years ago
Aatif Ahmad
5 years agoHello, all cakes have been made and have now been collected. Thank you guys for all the donations. Much appreciated! I will keep you updated on the food supplies and the distribution. Thank you.
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Aatif Ahmad started crowdfunding
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Apr 18, 2020
Aatif you’re a superstar with such a big heart! So proud of you ❤️ God bless
Catherine Durston
Apr 16, 2020
Apr 8, 2020
Apr 8, 2020
Well done Aatif!
Apr 5, 2020
All the best! I’m sure you’re going to do amazing ❤️
Apr 4, 2020
Apr 4, 2020
Well done Aatif So proud of you
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