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Klaartje van der Schaaf raised £2,391 from 175 supporters
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Closed 09/12/2016
Iʼve raised £2,391 to Help Onion get a bum
- Funded on Friday, 9th December 2016
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Onion was dumped on the streets at the age of 9 weeks. Luckily a good Samaritan brought her to our veterinary surgery.
We then noticed that Onion is suffering from a condition called Atresia Ani, which basically means she does not have a bum. Instead, her intestinal tract ends in her vulva, through which she is pooing as well, but with great difficulty. As a complication she has also developed a nasty bacterial infection in her urinary tract.
For obvious reasons this is not a sustainable situation for Onion and in many scenario's Onion would have been euthanised. But because she has developed in such a lovely kitten over the last couple of weeks, we want to give her a chance of a normal life, living with a loving family.
In order to make that happen Onion needs to undergo surgery at a specialist centre, which will require significant funding, for which we ask your help. Any donations, however small, are highly appreciated.
Where onions usually make people cry, we are sure this one will bring many smiles to people's faces, if given the chance...
8 years ago
Klaartje van der Schaaf
8 years agoSooooooo.... long time no hear... but, in this case it's true that no news is good news! Onion has not had it easy after her surgery in November, but slowly but steadily has continued to improve. Since we did not know exactly what Onion's ongoing needs would be we were reluctant to rehome her too soon. However, a golden opportunity came along, personified in Maayke, a Dutch cat-crazy vet, who has taken Onion on to live with her and her other ginger puss in Amsterdam. How cute are these 2 together?!
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8 years ago
Klaartje van der Schaaf
8 years agoOnion has had an exciting week: she is clearly feeling better, although she did need a couple of bum cleaning sessions over the last week because of some poo getting stuck in the sutures, BUT....those sutures are coming out tomorrow! The lovely Vicky Lipscomb will sedate Onion to examine her new bum with some magnifying glasses and if all looks well the silly ribbons will be removed! In the meantime during the day Onion hangs out with us in the Walthamstow surgery where she's made herself quite at home!
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8 years ago
Klaartje van der Schaaf
8 years agoShe's back! Tonight we picked Onion up from the QMHA. She's doing well, although she's mightily unimpressed with her cone of shame and confinement: no running around until the stitches come out next week! Anyway, we are well chuffed to have the foster-baby back!
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8 years ago
Klaartje van der Schaaf
8 years agoPre-weekend-Onion update: Onion is doing well! According to the most recent update she is eating well, up for play all the time and also toiletiing as well as can be expected at the moment. Whether her bum will have normal sphincter function is still to be seen, but at least at the moment poo is coming without causing discomfort. Onion will stay at QMHA over the weekend, but Monday Prof Lipscomb will decide if she can be discharged to recover further at home. Fingers crossed, Toast can't wait...I think ;-) More new as soon as we have it!
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Klaartje van der Schaaf started crowdfunding
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Nov 25, 2016
All the best Onion!
Christine Harger
Nov 24, 2016
Lots of cuddles for Onion, get well soon. 💕💕💕
Nov 20, 2016
Well done Klaartje . . . Keep doing what you are doing today X
Mark Hardiman
Nov 19, 2016
Hi, my wife showed me your story, she also had a sick little pet (a bunny), we wish you and onion well!
Hans Peter Schultz
Nov 19, 2016
Nov 19, 2016
Sarah R
Nov 19, 2016
Good luck onion hope all goes well
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