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Elena Lorente raised £14,232.28 from 395 supporters


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Closed 13/05/2017

raised of £10,000 target by 395 supporters

    Iʼve raised £14,232 to help William Newton-Clare and his family

    Sevenoaks, Kent, United Kingdom
    Funded on Saturday, 13th May 2017

    Don't have time to donate right now?


    William estaba disfrutando de vacaciones familiares en compañía de su esposa Marta Camporro y sus dos hijos pequeños. El 10 de abril fue a dar un paseo en bicicleta cuando, trágicamente, un coche le atropelló causándole lesiones muy graves. En estos momentos se encuentra en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos del hospital de Cádiz con lesiones en el cerebro, bajo sedación y con respiración asistida. Asimismo, tiene varias costillas rotas y algunas vértebras dañadas. Los médicos pronostican la posibilidad de que se recupere.

    En un intento desesperado por ayudarles a afrontar tan desesperada situación, un grupo de amigos hemos empezado una campaña para recaudar fondos que les permita instalarse en Cádiz todo el tiempo que necesiten y que les ayude a adaptarse a los drásticos cambios que están afrontando.

    Por favor, ayúdennos a reunir dinero para William y su familia haciendo una donación hoy.

    William was enjoying a family holiday with his wife Marta Camporro and their two young children. On Monday 10 April he went for a bike ride. Tragically, he was hit by a car causing life threatening injuries.

    He is in an intensive care unit in a hospital in Cádiz, Spain. He has a serious head injury and is under sedation with assisted breathing. He also has broken ribs and damaged vertebrae. The doctors have said there is a chance that he will recover and for now his condition is being monitored very closely.

    The holiday is over but Marta and their children need to stay close to him, nobody knows for how long. In a desperate attempt to help them in this situation we are raising funds to allow them to get temporarily settled in Cádiz and to support the family adjust to the drastic change they are experiencing in their lives.

    He remains stable and we are all hoping that William, a loving father, keen cyclist and caring friend can continue this slow path to a full recovery.

    Please help us raise money to support William and his family by making a donation today.



    • Elena Lorente8 years ago
      Elena Lorente

      Elena Lorente

      8 years ago

      We have no words to describe how overwhelmed we are with the support given to us in this very difficult time. It is incredible to see how much you love William but also our family. We have been moved to tears with your comments and generous donations. Currently William is still in intensive care but making as good progress as could be expected. The doctors are very positive about the progress he has made so far but his recovery will be a long process. We want to reiterate how grateful we are for your help and support. Marta and Louise

      Share this update to help us raise more

    8 years ago

    Elena Lorente started crowdfunding

    Leave a message of support

    Page last updated on: 5/13/2017 18.27



    • Jane Pool

      Jane Pool

      May 13, 2017

      With best wishes for a full recovery Will from Nicky Mills at the Bagel Shop.


    • Annette Rehbock

      Annette Rehbock

      May 11, 2017


    • Anonymous


      May 10, 2017

      Lo siento mucho, espero que se recupere pronto.Todo mi cariño para Maika, Manuel y toda la familia desde Italia.

    • Anonymous


      May 10, 2017



      May 7, 2017


    • Anonymous


      May 7, 2017

      Trace Defrein Collective bike club have just had a charity race and we had a collection and would like to donate it to you. William rode with us a few times. We are thinking of you all.


    • Christopher Rupp

      Christopher Rupp

      May 7, 2017

      Wishing William all the best and support for you all at this difficult time.


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    Elena Lorente

    Elena Lorente

    Sevenoaks, Kent, United Kingdom

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