We did it!
Kelly Limonte raised £75 from 7 supporters
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Closed 14/04/2017
Iʼve raised £75 to makeover the Westover Staff Room and School Hall. £355 has already been collected!
- Portsmouth, United Kingdom
- Funded on Friday, 14th April 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
Hello I'm hoping for some support from our lovely Westover Primary School friends. So far we have raised a brilliant £355 towards this cause this page is an extension to raise even more so the good work can continue.
With the school budgets taking a massive hit in the last years, (60k reduced to just 5k for maintenance) Westover Primary has done a brilliant balancing act of allocating the little they have for maintenance to ensure the children have a happy and safe environment. This has meant that areas of the school, mainly the staff room have been very neglected.
On a previous visit I was really shocked by the old grotty staffroom, mouldy damp chairs, this pic does NOT do the smell justice! The teachers all feel that to allocate what little funds we have on this is not and never will be priority which I totally understand. I however believe that if my daughters teacher cannot get a cup of coffee and a 5 min break after a long drive to work, a relaxing place to plan lessons, and a place to hold meetings that is warm and inviting then morale can be damaged.
With this in mind, I am planning a weekend make over with Ikea and Mr Griffiths support :-) I have priced up for new fabrics, blinds, carpet, plants, paint etc and furniture and hope to get a small army of volunteers to come with me and help build a lovely place for the well loved teachers at our school.
If anyone can spare just a £1 please donate and if there is any money left over we will put this towards new curtains for the hall.
I'm also looking for volunteers or anyone that can donate anything...the sink area I'm particularly stuck with so any plumbers with some spare parts and a few hours let me know :-)
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Kelly Limonte started crowdfunding
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Tanya Grayston-James
Mar 17, 2017
Lauren Perris
Mar 17, 2017
Well done Kelly let us no how we can help in any way , happy to paint etc liam will help also with anything xxxx
Helen Frost
Mar 16, 2017
Kelly Limonte
Mar 16, 2017
on behalf of Carly Thomas
Mar 16, 2017
Michele Mooney
Mar 15, 2017
Sadie Marshall
Mar 15, 2017
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