We did it!
Voicing CSA raised £105 from 8 supporters
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Closed 15/05/2017
Iʼve raised £105 to fund our meetings across England & Wales for survivors of child sexual abuse and exploitation. Voicing CSA is a community interest company.
- Funded on Monday, 15th May 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
We are a community interest company that holds meetings across England and Wales helping victims and survivors of child sexual abuse and exploitation. Many feel isolated and alone and live with the effects of abuse and it can have devastating effects on the whole of a survivors life.
Our meetings are a source of encouragement and support as we build a network and community around the country, many survivors and victims go on to share their abuse history with the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse.
Our Patrons are Samantha Morton, actress, mother and a survivor and Christopher Harper who currently plays 'Nathan Curtis' in Coronation Street we also have a growing army of Ambassadors who support and speak at our meetings across England & Wales.
In the longer term we aim to provide the funds for individual survivors to receive support through counselling which under the NHS is woefully inadequate as many survivors need much longer term counselling than that which is available on the NHS.
Updates appear here
Voicing CSA started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Rosemarie Scannell
Apr 20, 2017
Billy Walden
Apr 20, 2017
Good luck David x
Vvendy Mar Tin
Apr 16, 2017
Keep talking xx
Apr 15, 2017
you do a great job I spoke of my abuse after 35 years of silence .wene I went home felt like my heart had opened up and all my emotionsi lost as a child came back to me.
Apr 15, 2017
Good to see more voices ..
Victoria Myers
Apr 15, 2017
A totally amazing guy and a brilliant charity. Good luck x
Elaine Hook
Apr 15, 2017
Amazing man Mr David Lean and amazing charity VoicingCSA raising awareness of child sexual abuse and giving victims, survivors and warriors a voice 😊
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