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Simon Batchelor raised £480 from 19 supporters


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Closed 20/11/2016

raised of £800 target by 19 supporters

    Iʼve raised £480 to Help fund an epilepsy awareness video, which will in turn generate research funding for Epikepsy Research Uk.

    Green Hammerton, United Kingdom
    Funded on Sunday, 20th November 2016

    Don't have time to donate right now?


    I am ultimately trying to raise research funding for Epilepsy Research UK.

    I have written a soundtrack that covers how epilepsy affects individuals and families daily, without us even realising it. I want to produce a video that will depict the song to visually portray how this might manifest itself, being it going for a walk, or simply trying to eat your breakfast.

    The reason that I'm doing this work is because my 11 year old son had his first seizure at just 6 weeks old. His seizures are not controlled by medication or medical implants such as his VNS implant. I want to help fund the next generation of epilepsy research, which needs hard cash.

    The reason I thinks it's important to spend this amount of money on an awareness video is that people simply don't realise how epilepsy affects people's lives. We need to be more epilepsy aware, even I believed all the misconceptions about epilepsy.

    In donating to this cause you will be helping not only me, but everyone affected by epilepsy. There is still stigma around today, where people are uncomfortable talking about it. I want that to change.

    In talking about it, we can learn to understand epilepsy, and more importantly, those who have it.

    If we receive donations over and above what we need to produce the video, this will be donated to Epilepsy Research UK

    Many thanks




    • Simon Batchelor8 years ago
      Simon Batchelor

      Simon Batchelor

      8 years ago
      Update from the Page owner

      I would like to thank everyone who has helped me raise these funds to produce an epilepsy awareness video for 2017. This will encourage people to donate for epilepsy research as well. We are als going to promote awareness by starting a challenge, similar to ice bucket etc Many thanks Simon

      Share this update to help us raise more

    • Simon Batchelor9 years ago
      Simon Batchelor

      Simon Batchelor

      9 years ago

      I am so very grateful to all those who have supported us by donating. These donations will work to create Epilepsy Awareness, and help us raise much more desperately needed research funding for Epilepsy Research UK Many Thanks Simon

      Share this update to help us raise more

    • Simon Batchelor9 years ago
      Simon Batchelor

      Simon Batchelor

      9 years ago

      We have now received 20% of the funds required which is excellent. Please share this post do others can donate as well. We are getting good feedback about the song "No Control", from those in the epilepsy community. Thank you once again for your support

      Share this update to help us raise more

    9 years ago

    Simon Batchelor started crowdfunding

    Leave a message of support

    Page last updated on: 10/11/2016 12.26



    • Scott Walker

      Scott Walker

      Oct 11, 2016


    • Sue Mutton

      Sue Mutton

      Sep 16, 2016

      Well done for raising so much


    • Gail Barry

      Gail Barry

      Sep 15, 2016

      Hi, great to see someone acting positively for epilepsy


    • Julia Latreille-Favre

      Julia Latreille-Favre

      Sep 14, 2016

      From an ex-pat across the pond, thank you for doing this. This world needs more awareness and greater understanding of Epilepsy. Cheers, Julia


    • Anonymous


      Sep 12, 2016

      Good luck Simon, hope you reach your target. Polkey


    • Anonymous


      Sep 8, 2016


    • Steve & Norma Speirs

      Steve & Norma Speirs

      Sep 7, 2016


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    Simon Batchelor

    Simon Batchelor

    Green Hammerton, United Kingdom

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