We did it!
Lauren raised £1,720 from 90 supporters
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Closed 08/07/2017
Iʼve raised £1,720 to Give Alfie Taylor the holiday of a lifetime to celebrate kicking cancer's butt!!!!
- Stanley, Co Durham
- Funded on Saturday, 8th July 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
Alfie Taylor is a fun, loving, caring, adventurous, crazy 5 year old whose life was turned upside down overnight.
On the 23rd April 2016, Alfie was diagnosed with ALL (accute lymphoblastic leukaemia). Just like that, his Mam and Dad's world was shattered into a million pieces. Down, but not out, they fought with every fibre in their bodies. Alfie has endured countless procedures, gruelling chemotherapy and lost his hair in the process.
Despite the size of the fight and a few bumps in the road, amazingly Alfie is in Remission and has reached Maintenance (next stage of treatment which is designed to keep the cancer out of Alfie's body). He will continue to receive treatment until 13/09/2019.
This little boy has faced more in 11 months than most of us will in our entire adult lives.
Do you know what? He never complains! He just gets on with it. He just wants to live his life like any other little boy. He is a popular student in his reception class, a keen Sunderland fan and desperate to be recruited as the 5th member of the ninja turtles!
Emma, Alex and Alfie have raised £2800 for various charities in the last year and are keen to raise more in the future.
Now I want to give them something! Alfie's dream is to go to Disneyland, Florida. Please help me to raise the necessary funds! Every penny counts and will be appreciated beyond belief! Alfie deserves the most GINORMOUS treat for when he ultimately KICKS CANCERS BUTT!!!!!
- 8 years ago
8 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
- 8 years ago
8 years ago81% How amazing?! 😘😘 Wonder if we could make target by our funday? (3rd june- Craghead village hall, Stanley) Please please please share everybody and thank you all so much for everything!xxx
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- 8 years ago
8 years agoWow!!!!! I can't believe we are over half way. From the bottom of my heart, thank you all so much!!!
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- 8 years ago
8 years agoWow!!!!! Thank you sooooooo much everyone! What an absolute fantastic start!!!! Amazed at the generosity of people.
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Lauren started crowdfunding
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Marc strong
Jul 5, 2017
Marc strong
Jun 29, 2017
Marc strong
Jun 23, 2017
Marc strong
Jun 15, 2017
Marc strong
Jun 8, 2017
Marc strong
Jun 2, 2017
Marc strong
May 26, 2017
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